looks good ill check it out later my xbox overheated so im stuck here ticked beyond belief good job anyways
Looks pretty hard, fun for some jump training. This would be helpful for people that aren't good at the jumps on blackout and rats nest.
So I czeched this out, and it is really well built. The puzzles are moderately difficult, but "I would say I'm pretty "jump literate." Overall very fun. I love making these types of maps, maybe we can collaborate on something in the near future?
Both courses are pretty good... the soccer ball one was pretty frustrating, and the last jump on each course was extremely hard, the deployable cover one almost impossible... one thing, in the first course it is possible to get out by getting on the box with the gravlift underneath and jumping onto the double boxes above... infact i found that easier then the actual jump i was ment to be doing... cheers slindish
Interesting. This might be a good clan challenge map. Nice job on making a jumping obstacle course map. I might use this to brush up on my jumping skills : p.
Already know this but whats the point in getting out if this is for personal use in training your jumps? I can see your point, however I have no pieces left (and yes I used unlimited budget) and I would have to make the ceiling high enough so as not to mess up the jump. So even though this is possible there is no fixing it as well very few people will try and really if anyone cheats in a race there is such a thing as booting someone. But despite this thanks for the post and please continue because in some cases it may actually be of use. P.S. Sorry if this offended you. Sarge525
Well it's been a while since I posted but i figure i best announce the completion of jump course III beta. I have now begun map construction, and I am currently complete with the first three jumps and half done with the fourth. (respectively the jumps are as follows: grav/crouch jump, propane double jump, pallet launch, street cone jump, soccer ball double jump). I should be finished with production of the map within the next week if I continue working, and testing will continue and eventually I'll post (10 days as of now).
hmm.... this was well planned and crafted. i'm retared w/ jumps so maybe it'll help me. idk about fun, but its definitely good
i never would have thought of making a map pack of jumping! good job and nice work! there is no sloppiness in the map and everything is perfect
looks good and i loved how you ranked the jumps difficulty, but can it be done with more than one person?
Well in reply to your question as to whether or not you can play with others. Yes that is half the point of the map; a competition to see who can finish the map first. (6 players max suggested)
I bet this would be very fun to play with friends but quite frustrating if you constantly keep getting it wrong. However, I like the concept of it because its helpful and original, well done and good luck with Course 3.
Wow this looks interesting .. I have never seen this idea .. Good thinking and it looks like a good map too! Great job! =]
Well I've decided to post a few preview pics of the third course beta to give you all an understanding of whats to come. I will not include pics from the actual course as I feel that should remain unknown until I feel it is complete. But each pic will be added by the end of today as an edit in the front page with a little description of how the jump is performed. Hope you all enjoy.
Course III BETA pics and descriptions added to give those of you who are looking forward to it a taste. Keep in mind the BETA involved me just throwing down a starting and finishing platform and is not at all what the final course will look like. Just done in this manner for expediency and to test and proove jump concepts. Thank you all, Sarge525 P.S. Sorry for the double post...