Juggernaut games

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Raspberrypicker, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Raspberrypicker

    Raspberrypicker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I forgot all about the Juggernaut gametype. And for good reason too, no one ever plays it.

    Does anyone have any good Juggernaut maps or gametypes for Reach or Halo 3?
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I made one for Halo 3 a while ago, named Meganaut, but dont know what happened to it. Probably deleted it. In it, the Juggernaut had full overshields and camo, strong melee (cant remember what percentage exactly), 120% weapon damage I think, but moved very slowly and had no radar. Also, he didnt have unlimited ammo. The other players, however, had unlimited ammo and radar, but the Juggernaut didnt have a waypoint marker above his head.

    It was fun because the Juggernaut was very strong, but had to be extremely stealthy if he wanted to stay the Juggernaut.

    I also had another which was a modified version of Ninjanaut, which was basically everything turned up to max. But that sucked because anyone who spawned as the Juggernaut would pretty much be guaranteed to win from the get-go.

    I should remake Meganaut, though. It rocked.

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