lol sorry I was in a hurry had to finish post. I knew you make a JTaged xbox, but I meant to say Jtaged specifically for that game, my bad. Sorry
Bungie have been excellent at cracking down on modders. I remember the days of Halo 2 where people would have aimbot and full automatic snipers, and then one day it all disappeared! That was probably mostly due to an Xbox Dashboard update but it couldn't have been possible without the co-operation of Bungie. My hope is that the new 360 dashboard will block the JTAG machines like they did to the Halo 2 numb-skulls.
It already does. In a way. Its getting harder and harder to JTAG 360 consoles, because exploitable 360's are running out.
what do you mean exploitable consoles are running out? like, you can only mod a certain type of xbox? because if so, my piece of crap box ive had since the beginning of xbox 360 is gonna be worth something soon! maybe...
I actually would like a mods Even thought there against the rules naughty , Not in MM with aim bots and stuff but Playing customs sometimes its fun to have Instant Respawn and spawning with turrets little stuff like that, that wouldn't be possible without mods. Unless that is possible in Reach without mods
just to clear something up that is annoying me modding = good hacking = bad mods are good things like TFC, cod4 zombies, and CSS maps --- Only if you do not have the NXE update
I've heard people say this before, and I still don't quite understand. Hacking just sounds more malicious than modding. Hacking would be using a computer to gain access to unauthorized data in some sort of system. Modding is the same thing.
moding is creating something productive like maps in tf2 or a full game that is a mod is alien swarm hacking is general douchbagerey such as wall hacks
There are alot of things your wrong about. 1. you cant mod recon, bungie uses servers to check if you've done the in game action as well as the achievement. (nice try profile editors) 2. exploitable xbox's are rare as hell because they require a certain kernel number and that was before the new dashboard (NXE) was released,sorry wooden. dont need a xenon to jtag, thats a mother board type. You can use an xenon but appearently to most wanted is Falcons...not sure why. cant really "block" a jtag, they work by running on modded "patches" there is no update to fix them other then console banning. 5.lock this thread for christ sake.
It better not, Infinity Ward was too stupid to patch stuff. Bungie won't let this happen. Don't worry.
No. Hacking is getting into locked files to view them or change them, modding is the process of actually changing them. /thread
No they are not! People dont seem to get it; hacking is ACCESSING A FILE YOU SHOULD NOT, and modding is CHANGING A FILE YOU SHOULD NOT. THEY ARE DIFFERENT.
*facepalm* Hacking isnt annoying at all. It doesnt effect you in ANY way, it just allows somebody to see a critical file. And they are NOT generally the same thing.