Do you think Reach will have the same problem MW2 had and witin 2 months everyone will be generals with all the armors? I really hope not
Halo 3 seemed pretty solid tbh, either through prevention or a very effective detection+banhammer system, not sure which tbh. I know that Jester guy managed to get a sniper aimbot working near the end (dunno if he actually made it, but he's the one all the videos are of), but even then apparently that was really difficult and not something he could just pass out to other JTag users. If anything, I'm sure Bungie have learned more since H3 and will have an even tighter system
I was actually speaking to someone who mods the other day, and he was saying that modding on Halo Reach should be even harder than on Halo 3 because apparently all of the code has been encrypted or something, so modders will have to 'mod in the dark'. But i heard yesterday that there was a video showing someone who's already downloaded Reach, and apparently hes already managed to mod himself the flaming helmet effect.
Good tbh, I'm not against modding as a principle (I play Octagon 1v1's which use a modded gametype) and so I am disappointed in some senses, it's just the sad fact that so many people use it for screwing over others in MM. And that's quite impressive (that Bungie have made it even harder), too, since I heard H3 was pretty damn hard, hence the sniper aimbot being so hard to get working in the first place and taking so long to be created. Wasn't stuff like modded gametypes/maps, rather than MM mods, relatively easy though?
I know for a fact that Bungie won't allow modding to run rampant like in MW2. There will be no "Inheritor" lobbies.
The reason it's so hard to mod in matchmaking is because halo 3 loads from the disc or iso rather than the hard drive, whereas for a gametype or a map it loads from a saved file that you can modify to your liking. I haven't heard of any new prevention techniques for reach but I'm sure bungie has implemented a new thing or two.
Makes sense, I'd heard that they just dumped the map/gametype file on to their computer and so could manipulate it fully, so yeah I can see how that'd be a lot easier than messing with the game code when you put it like that. I kinda hope this will still be possible in Reach for a couple of reasons, that is unless Bungie have included stuff like Instant Respawn in the regular gametype options. Anyone know if they have or not?
Pretty much this, I dont care if people make modded maps, I just dont want generals and people with all the armor and effects, because then Ill feel like Im working for nothing
I'd probably agree, the flaming helmet is apparently a download and so it'd make sense that it's not actually there to unlock, no matter how much you mod the game.
No he wasn't. It's true I also have seen the video. But it wasn't a JTAG it was a Xbox 360 Dev Kit. The only way to fully "Mod" halo 3 is a Dev Kit, which makes it like you can fly a mongoose like a banshee and stuff like that. But I did hear about the Sniper aimbot, It did take him a long time to make though, and he never released it to the public. So let's describe this a little more. I believe that "Modding" Is "Baby Hacking" which is like modding maps/gametypes and "Hacking" is like Dev kits, Aimbots, Unlock Armor and such. But Reach has stepped up it's game, There was only one Aimbot in H3, I'm pretty sure Bungie has made it impossible to do it again. Ps. Bungie isn't as stupid as Iw
Bungie still has people working on they're games after release, not just for DLC but for making sure things are working smoothly. As for modding Reach, I watched a video of Forge World today to get a sense of scale of some locations and he had switched weapon projectiles. People will always modify games, its fun. As long as those mods are not used to give any player an advantage I'm not too fussed. BTW, this thread will probably get locked because its basically a thread for discussing mods.
I'm pretty damn sure that the people who have Reach on a JTAG have been able to unlock various armour stuff, you don't need a Dev Kit to do stuff other than map modding as well, I know that for a fact. Go over to se7ensins and see what they've done with JTAG xboxs.
personaly, I enjoy a good mod. For example, in Dawn of War, I enjoy playing as other races, such as tyranids or the Gray Knights(or whatevs) and people enjoy creating them, and people obviously have a passion for making mods. Mods that actualy ruin games, and take the fun out of it except for one person, are a completely different matter. It's selfish and wrong, and no decent human being would do it. But luckily,
I was speaking of this section of his quote: That is pure BS. I wasn't talking about the flaming helmet. No. I know from experience. Modding is not "Baby Hacking." A devkit is not necesary for aimbots or armor unlocks. I could simply "mod" my achievements to unlock recon; I don't need a dev kit. It would seem as if you're making statements without any experience of what you're talking about. :/
There is only one Jtag that works for halo3 and its the Xenon(some other version), but most likely there won't be because I thinks its harder to do so in Halo, but I haven't seen much about matchmaking in Reach so anything could happen. And nobody is probably making a JTag for the game right now. More people care about their rank on Call of Duty then Halo anyway. Anything could happen, so anyone who finds out about one, don't waste your money on a video game RANK.Its stupid. Why get ranked up so fast when your missing out on so much stuff in matchmaking. I just completely ignore hackers because they are a waste of my time.
Well, it's BS for some things. I guess Bungie could encrypt some files, but it doesn't make sense that everything would be encrypted and none of the game files would be able to be accessed and modified easily. I can't think of when something like that has been done before. I've sifted through game ISO files before, and not everything is encrypted. Thats what I mean by BS. You don't specifically jtag a game. You jtag your xbox. Now in answer to the original post: I sure hope not.
I just don't want people to mod ranks and appearances. If I earn general (if i ever do) then I want it to mean something, I dont want it to look like all I did is was go into some rank lobby like in MW2