ae smpord ipjmofvmtsvhomstrhuhn This is a place for Jet Set Radio Future fans to come and discuss the game, its awesomeness and stuff. I personally liked that skyscraper place with no floor, the sunset kind of place with all the piled up houses, the roller coaster place and the sewers the most, but I've been everywhere. 100% explored. You haven't truly beaten the game till you've been everywhere and unlocked everything.
I played it, and it was bad, the people were the most annoying things in the world! They do these retarded dances when you try to have a conversation with them! Now if it was halo...there'd be a sticky up in their face in an instant.
it is teh awsome, we all know that. mah fave character was zero beat, he just looked soooo perfect, i'm not a big fan of normal beat though. also, apparently there is some way to get all the characters without doing the test runs, which i rarely did anyway.
Omg, You silly head! How can you not know what JSRF is... YouTube Jet Set Radio Future, then you'll know why it's so cool. The music is great, I actually have the soundtrack in my playlist xD
I am a metal kind of guy and I LOVED the soundtrack. I also loved that level with all the stacked up houses, where at the end you have to disarm the bomb and free whatshisname. That place at the end is so awesomely designed. It all is. The level design on that game pwns hard, and so does the soundtrack.
Yeah I agree, that level where you skate along all the telephone lines with all the janky houses, so cool xD
i need to get a couple of the songs, they kept getting stuck in mah head (in a good way) and sushi, i think you're thinking of sky dinosaurian square and the fortified residential zone. i like sky dino square too, it was very inventive and a great level, but i think that kibogaoka hill was mah fave level, cause you could unlock pots there. my least favoriite level is definitely the sewers, just too damn confusing.
Yeah Kibogoaka hill was my favourite too, I just forgot the name. That place is so damn awesome, and the entire place is HUGE, even when you are in that bomb place where you have to disarm it and then save whatshisname
that's the fortified residential zone, it has a helicopter right? and can someone get me the soundtrack? i can't be bothered to find it for mahself.
It has two. Yeah, Kibogaoka hill is my second favourite and Fortified Resy is my favourite. There's SO MUCH to explore in there
Ivory, getting the soundtrack is not allowed here, use your intellect to figure it out =] The sewers were horrible... BTW that dinosaur place, that's the Asian part isn't it? With all the shiny lights and stuff. That was a cool place.
Go on JSRF. I WAS playing it but I got booted off. That's funny, before I had XBL I couldn't play Morrowind OR JSRF but now I can play both, yay! I liked the racing bit of the sewers where you fight Poison Jam, how there are all these pipes. That was cool.
yea sorry bout the sillyhead thing I was diagnosed when I was very young, its incurable once its infected my frontal lobe. but srsly, Ill def youtube it, probably should have before asking