Some time ago I had the idea of doing Jousting in Halo: Reach. Gravity Hammers, flying through the air, and such. Now I couldn't think of anything that could replace the horse. So I put in two Man Cannons at the end of each long Hallway on this map for players to fly through the air at each other. The Armory. Now they may all look the same, and may all feel the same, but each and everyone is unique. Choose your weapon carefully. Man Cannon on one side of the Jousting platform. As you fly through the air, keep your trusty grav hammer close to you, and swing with precision, or it may cost you your life.
I dont quite get it, wont the one way sheild stop people from getting to the other side. Seems a nice mini game but what happens when you leave the grav lift you kill your opponent then what you die? Whats the huge cube for? Whats the platform in the centre? I think you need to put more info in your game description and maybe some more pics. Seems quite intresting though. Keep at it.
Actually, I don't remember my reason for putting the one way shields there, it was something I made quick back in November. Well even if those weren't there, you get trapped between the two grav lifts infinitely or until you miss one of them to fall to your death. The giant box is for any "audience" members and contains a bunch of power weapons for disturbing the jousting should they want to(though I think the plasma launcher would be the only effective one).
now people hav alrdy made halo 3 jousting. its were you hav vip and u get on a mongoose (and vip with sword) and charge at each other. it was a bit broken but i think this is an equally amusing idea