Journey to Mars(The Next Miles)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by I KILL U 765, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. I KILL U 765

    I KILL U 765 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Journey to Mars
    Created by Me (I KILL U 765), (xXRampageXx202) , & (XCRUSHER21X)

    Supported Gametypes:
    Kigk of the Hill (Mission Mars)

    Map Description
    This is just like miles if you get to the end and send the video to Bungie and maybe you'll get recon. It took me and my friends 1 week to make just right. It is really fun. It is hard to. Have fun on the map.

    Journey to Mars



    First Turn


    Barrel Room

    Turret Jumping

    The End

    THANKS TO ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK Please Rate Using Bnet Rating System Thank You

    Download Journey to Mars
    Download Mission Mars
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    this isnt competetive, yet casual...nice map though in the first pic i was like "this dude has H4XORZ my eyes is messed up!!!"

    lol imma get a mod to bump it for you in a sec!
  3. Echo SQ Leader

    Echo SQ Leader Ancient
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    first post, i think, looks challenging. nice map
  4. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    This map looks as hard as Miles if not harder from what I have seen, really nice job. The windows and the turrets look close to impossible to jump on and the outside with the man cannons look quite hard as well. 5/5! Nice Job
  5. I KILL U 765

    I KILL U 765 Ancient
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    I can barely make to the end.
  6. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i'm up for a challange. nice job btw. looks really hard.
  7. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I have been saying this a lot lately, but you need to change your title to fit the standards. You must change the title to the maps name ONLY. To do so, you must click on "Edit" at the bottom of your post, then click on "Go Advanced", when you are there, you will be able to fix your title.

    Ok, comments about the map. I like how you were inspired enough by DARKEST WARRIOR to make a jumping map yourself, but from the looks of it, I still think Miles is harder. But I don't know fully so I'll download the map and try it out.

    P.S I'm close friends with DARKEST WARRIOR, so I guess I can try to show him this map for you.
  8. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    looks real tough but do you really think you would get the reconz for finishing it?
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    looks hard... but I don't think you'll get recon for completing it, unless the bungie people said you'd get it....... which they most likely didn't... But yea, dlded and i'll try it out
  10. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    Ok I'm back with some feedback about the map. Be prepared though, its nothing to good... This is definately NOT the next Miles. I have played and beaten this map in less then 20 min. I have saved the film of me beating your map, and I'll tell you, some parts were hard but it didn't take long for me to figure out, it was way to easy. ALSO YOU DO NOT GET RECON FOR SENDING A VIDEO TO BUNGIE BY BEATING ANY JUMPING/PUZZLE MAP. That was stated in one of the weekly updates. If you want to see the film clip of me beating this map, PM me. I'll admit I had fun playing on your map, its just I wouldn't call it the next "Miles." I give you a 2/5 for the map, and a 3/5 for effort.

    EDIT: I've played it again, and I beat it in about six minutes.
    #10 Ak Gumby, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  11. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    This should be moved to mini game maps.
  12. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    You cannot get recon unless you work for bungie or do something extra special for bungie. Like what diditalpheer did. Anyways it looks impossible and kinda weird

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