
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shawn101589, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Shawn101589

    Shawn101589 Forerunner

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    And John said, "Let there be carnage!" And it came to pass.

    Hi all! This is a map I've been working on for quite some time. And after two weeks of testing it, I'm finally releasing my final version. Now if you go through my post history, you'll notice I posted a topic about an earlier version of this map, "Monolith", which sadly received no replies. However, I feel that this video, featuring the polish and demonstrating an actual match will be far more rewarding then simply posting screenshots.


    So, this is the video, featuring a 5v5 DMR starts match, which is not necessary as there are 6 DMR's on the map, but the people I was playing with wanted it so I said sure. Now, the rocket that spawns between the two sides is on a 2 minute timer, and only has two rockets. I wanted the initial skirmish to be one to get things rolling and I figured a limited rocket was the way to do it, and the sword room (3 minute spawn for sword) provides an incentive to move out of the base after the initial skirmish, as controlling the upper areas is key to victory.

    Later in the video you'll see a Grenade Launcher(5 grenades) and a Sniper(1 spare clip) spawn in the coastline areas. They do not spawn initially, and do so after 2:30 and 3:00 respectively. I did this so that the opening skirmishes would focus more on control of the upper platforms and both bases and less on the coastline, and since the spawn times for the power weapons are all different, the skirmishes are never just in one area. This is just a basic overview on my reasoning behind my power weapons and the use of their locations. Again, any and all feedback is welcome. THANK YOU!
    #1 Shawn101589, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Your post isn't up to standards. Fix the following issues, or your post will be Locked:
    • All map posts require at least one embeded picture or video.

    Follow these few steps and you'll have yourself a great map post. For future referance, read the Rules when visiting new forums. It'll save you a lot of time and correction.

  3. Flameing Bannana

    Flameing Bannana Forerunner

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    I have to say that was a very nice forge map. 8/10 for me. Just one question does everyone spawn facing each other?

    P.S It was funny at 1:30 in your vid
  4. Shawn101589

    Shawn101589 Forerunner

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    I'm not sure what this post is reffering to.. I have a link to a video.

    Edit: Oh I see I need to imbed the video my mistake

    Yes, the initial spawns are all facing each other on the main bridge. and yeah, laggers gonna lag v_v thank you for the rating!
    #4 Shawn101589, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011

    III PH03NIX III Forerunner

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    Very nicely done! I like how creatively you fit some of your pieces together. My only objection at the moment is that some of your entrances, ramps and hallways seem rather small, or at least smaller than the norm. Just me but I like non-cramped hallways. And this is really only a problem for the spots where they are totally enclosed, not the ones that don't have a roof
  6. Shawn101589

    Shawn101589 Forerunner

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    Yeah i understand why you'd feel that way and in a lot of ways i agree. Unfortunately, while having the bridges right side up would prevent any accidental falling, having them upside down removed a huge advantage to people on them in regard to people attacking from below. And, if i had the budget, i definitely would have doubled up the bridges. However, after playtesting the map a lot, the people playing seemed to have a quick understanding of how the bridges workes and how the connected, etc, so i agree that those are not a problem.

    As far as the entrances to places are concerned, i did this purposely. Both bases have multiple ways to get up on to the main bridges, and i did not want to give people the room to "get comfortable" in those areas, as they were intended to simply bring you somewhere. My making them to easy to move around in, i'd have been creating major camp spots and did not want that to happen, and as you can see from the video and as you may see id you ever play on it, this holds true and the areas are used as intended. So while i do see your point and understand your concern, it is inherent with the map that those areas be closed off to degree. I had a long discussion with my friend John when we first started building this. By keeping everything cosmeticly pleasing, the narrow areas feel intended and aren't a sore to look at, and so a player simply says, "this is not a spot i want to be if things get rough, i want to be out as soon as possible." Thank you very much for your feedback.

    And thank you for the compliment, i worked hard to make everything cosmetically pleasing!
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Really not a fan of that starting spawn. Like, at all. Teams shouldn't have to do that right off the bat. There isn't time to set up a plan or spring it into action.
  8. Shawn101589

    Shawn101589 Forerunner

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    There is tho, both sides have a dmr and an upper platform. It's either grab the dmr, hope to your respective top side and pick people off running in for the rocket, or run in for the rocket and get picked off. It's only a two shot rocket, and it adds an initial intensity to the first skirmish. It's just something that I wanted to have happen, and I suppose it's just a preference but I disagree that there is not time to plan. If it's your second time playing the map, you know exactly what is gonna happen and can plan accordingly. Do you have anything else to add aside from view of the starting spawns?
  9. Maniacal Z78

    Maniacal Z78 Forerunner
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    I'll give it a shot. The initial spawn is a little different. But variety is the spice of life. I think that it will add an initial intensity to the map. Most people don't like things diffrent from "the norm" so I will see how my friends take to it. If they hate it, then I have no-one to play it.

    I like the way the seaside building is set up. I'll give it some plays and see how it goes. Nice job doing a video to showcase it.

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