Hey guys I made another Slipknot signature, this is the drummer; Joey Jordison actually one of the best drummers in the world, he can play up side down blind folded spinning. Here is the signature: CnC is always welcome.
I am a MAGGOT FOR LIFE WOOT. Yeah Slipknot is my favourite band, I love that kind of stuff too . More comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, I hate how Greenday looks, but I like some of their songs. If I say Slip is creepy, that doesn't mean I don't like his songs.
Awesome...Slipknot was just on the MTV VMAs a couple minutes ago. As for the sig... The effects you do are always the same. Maybe try doing something different? And the text you use is mainly the same...try expanding your style home skillet biscuit...
First off, Slipknot is not a "his", they are a group, of nine. Second if you think they are creepy, than truly you don't like Slipknot because creepy is what every song is, jeez... As for Diz... OMFG YOUR WATCHING VMA TOO?! ME TOO OMFG! Yeah Slipknot was funny ****ing Chris Fehn was wasted as hell and took his fake mask off lmao... Also I will see if I can whip up a new style, the text is easy to whip up, almost too easy to make new text. Only reason I don't abandon this style is because I am afraid people might try it lol. *EDIT* Alright since Zerosun even said so, it means something, I will give my next signature a new twist...
It's the same as your other sigs, but I really like them. Make a tutorial or something on the style, cause it owns.