Joes Fort 1 big fort 2 mini bases and a partridge in a pear tree Dont know how to put images in and link stuff Nine 0
No pics... *Sigh*. You shouldn't post a map unless you've read how to post pics and such. This is the third time I've said this today. Go to, Find your gamertag, Click on the picture you want to put in, then copy the BB code then paste into the post. Do that for all pics.
well heres what you do: -find out nobody will download this without pictures and a descrisption that makes sense, but since your're new to forgehub: go to the support section in the forums and you should be able to find a good guide on how to put pictures in. you'll need an account on photobucket.
aaaarrrggghhh, so many new members, so many people who dont know how to post. seriously, look at the map forums and get an example of what a map post should look like. pics or death