SEX TOYS I'll be your friend no matter what you put in your anus. The RING Fear the Ring One Step Closer Sergeant
first ones hilarious. i also like the second one... and now that i think about it, i like the third and fourth also... although thats not my favorite helmet. in fact my least favorite.
The first is LOL! The fourth is the second best. I like the pose and the armor choice is good. Me likey that helmet! But, yah, good job.
Woah... The first one is literally one of a kind. I've never seen anything like it. Extremely hilarious picture man. Nice job with that. The others are good as well. As said, very nice poses.
No comment on the first one. The 2nd looks like a fertilized egg. I like the last sergeant one a lot, I can see the sergeant emblem behind the guy. I tink it would have been better had his weapon been lowered though.