I was playing firefight with infinite jetpacks, and every so often, My jetpack would seem to overheat to the point that it could not overcome gravity, and I would start to slowly descend. Pulsing the jetpack seemed to have no effect on how long it took to overheat. I'm curious if this happens with any other armor abilities or just jetpack.
jetpacks seem to be limited on how far they push you upward, and i think it depends on your surroundings
Yeah, each jet pack boost will only get you to a certain height above where you started. So with default settings this is usually fine, you get to the max height and then your AA battery runs out. You notice it more if you have unilimted AAs, but then all you do is stop using the jet pack for a second and then restart it. But I don't think it overheats...
I always pulse my jetpack to maintain consistent altitude so I've never encountered that problem. I just noticed that after ~3 minutes of not touching the ground, the jetpack starts to lose power.