^(old pic, much more railing now)^ Hello there Reachaholics... I assume you're here looking for a new map to check out. I won't let you down. This here is my third and final translation project for bringing my most appropriate Halo 3 maps to Reach. I've gotten it out of my system now. Jeroboam is a maritime Rat's Nest. It features a complete base-to-base racetrack, a pair of satellite stations, and a sparse network of mancannons. Hopefully you'll find the strange layout to be unique, fluid, and enjoyable, as the majority of my testers have indicated. There's a vehicular tone here that doesn't go too far, and going by wheel or foot both feel like good options. I really like this as a FFA Slayer map, but team objectives are great as well. As I mentioned, this is a remake of a Halo 3 map. Mouse over these pictures for comparison: Spoiler [mouseoverimage=http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/EaglesNest/highangle.jpg]http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/JeroboamReach/reach_12832791_Full.png[/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/EaglesNest/disc.jpg]http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/JeroboamReach/reach_12832814_Full.png[/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/EaglesNest/tower.jpg]http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/JeroboamReach/reach_12832804_Full.png[/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/EaglesNest/crossbow.jpg]http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/JeroboamReach/reach_12832824_Full.png[/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/EaglesNest/basehigh.jpg]http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff383/anthias74/JeroboamReach/reach_12832792_Full.png[/mouseoverimage] Action shots: Thank yous go out to everyone who helped test this at one point or another, which includes quite a few people. The tester's guild was again really helpful. Thanks to R0CKET M00SE for taking particular interest and giving some good insight. And thank you, reading this post all the way down here. Hope you enjoy it.
as i said in the preview thread, this was an unexpected joy to test. i had not been familiar with the H3 version. if i had judged this map from this map from pictures alone, i might guess that it didnt play too well. but i was happy to experience that it indeed does play wonderfully. you incorporated a lot of elements in this map that seem to have a tendency to break other maps. the long mancannon launches and variation of height in the levels can sometimes make otherwise good maps play poorly, but you managed to balance those elements expertly in this map. having played only 2 full games with you during testing, i cannot say that i have a 100% grasp of the map, but i got the hang of a few things for sure. i love the way you placed the Revenant in a hard to get spot, so that players have to go down to get it, risking themselves, and still after that must drive it across the bottom bridge to reach the top road level, where they may then wreak havoc. in addition to this, the warthog serves as another roaming sentinel on the map, destroying any who are not quick to defend it as it passes by on the roadway. the mancannon trajectories made for great flag runs as well, alternating strategies of running the flag by foot, or risking a quicker capture in a vehicle. all in all, i like it a lot. a breath of fresh air. great job.