Not sure where this would best fit, but... Jeremiah has created a thread where he's taking questions about Megalo, Reach's gametype scripting engine. This is huge news. If we know what's possible with the engine, we know what we can ask for. And if we know what to ask for, then we're more likely to get what we ask for. The knowledge that Jeremiah might reveal in that thread could therefore benefit a great many Forgers, and it could benefit Reach Custom Games in general. As such, I'd recommend spreading this to as many Forgers and Forging communities as you can. Know someone who hasn't heard the news? Tell them. The more reasonable and well-thought-out questions we can ask, the more information we may be able to glean.
This is big news indeed, among everything I would like to see a return in VIP gametype and VIP settings for invasion.
I don't know if we'll ever get VIP, but hopefully, Jeremiah's thread will at least reveal if it's theoretically possible. Also, I really hope we get VIP.
I really want Shield Regeneration and Shield Leech. And VIP. That way I can recreate Asset and Regen Slayer.
To improve the odds of our questions getting answered it might help of someone compiles a list custom game additions and changes and other questions we can submit as a community. This will eliminate redundant questions and requests and make it easier for him to answer a large volume of questions. If no one else wants to compile the list it'd be happy to. The big changes I'm thinking of are VIP of course, customizable bro spawning in all gametypes, forced vehicle spawns in all gametypes, firefight forge, generator defense in multiplayer, and other objectives in firefight.
Why can't I think of anything to ask that hasn't already been asked? Dammit. V.I.P is the only thing in my head atm, and that's been asked at least 4 times in the thread.
- to be able to change the individual damage settings of each weapon on the map - likewise for when within a hill - to be able to choose what vehicle spawns on firefight maps (id prefer a regular hog, not a rocket hog, on unearthed for example) - more wacky FF gametypes in score attack and FF mm (sure people may exploit and boost with this, but at this point in the games life, who really cares) thats all i can think of at the moment
I'd like to see, on top of the above: -Different traits for red and blue teams during asymmetric gametypes -Option to force zombie to Elite or Spartan player similar to Invasion changing player models -Option to make a bro backfield spawn on territories owned by a player's team (a little far out, but would be awesome) -Option to use additional bipeds that can be controlled outside of Chess, i.e. in strategy game style, like Advance Wars -Combination of gametypes similar to Slayer CTF, such as Slayer Territories or Headhunter Rocket Race That's all I got for the time being.
The Q&A thread has been locked without any publicly-visible explanation. A few possible reasons: Enough questions have been posted. Jeremiah locked the thread in order to give himself time to answer them before accepting new ones. Most of our posts weren't actual questions, they were just suggestions that were rephrased as questions. We basically derailed it into a suggestion thread. Jeremiah can't actually answer our questions, but he can't tell us why. I'm taking the optimistic view and assuming that it was just locked to avoid a backlog. EDIT: Why are list bullets and numbers broken?
He announced in an Optimatch thread, not sure which one, that it wouldn't be possible to have the option for individual damage settings on weapons.
Indeed. The links: no damage settings for individual weapons | no alterations to Firefight maps and vehicles