Jenga Tower

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by !nikheizen, Feb 7, 2008.

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  1. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    This map was created by Turbo Gerbil604 and Cosmic Rick
    Thanks to "the other dark" for additional help with this project.

    Download Map.
    Download Game Variant.

    "In a universe far, far away:
    The year is 1784, the British have been pushed back to the coast of Sicily by the Japanese and their formidable army of Kamikaze Warriors. There they shall make their last stand at the Tower of Jenga! With their newly fashioned Long Rifles and a God given weapon of unbelievable power they must hold the tower against the ever-rising tide of the Japanese Warriors, but the Japanese have brought their own weapons, and their own tools to fight the battle, cannons, gattling guns and the will to sacrifice all for their nation they are a force to be reckoned with. The Tower of Jenga must be held at all costs."

    Map Haiku
    Throw yourself at them/Be wary of the lasers/Enemies must fall.


    The Attacker's Towers


    The Tower Off the Cliff


    Gauss Pwnage


    The Tower Topples


    Gravity Hammer Goliath


    One day, while one of my friends was forging, I said, "Hey, barriers remind me of Jenga blocks!" So I set to creating a jenga tower in the corner.
    Later, while playing with Cosmic Rick, I showed him the Jenga Tower and we got bored of playing actual Jenga and just started shooting it with Gauss warthogs, and decided it was amusing enough to make a gametype out of it.

    This is my second map I've posted to ForgeHub, and my first collaboration, ever, this is also Cosmic Rick's Eighth map, and his first collaboration.
    The gist of this map is that there are the Japanese Kamikaze Warriors, represented by the zombies, who are trying to knock down the British Tower of Jenga. The British are represented by the sniper rifle armed humans. The Zombies have to knock the humans off the tower by ramming vehicles, deployable cover, fusion coils, and Gauss Warthog shots into the tower and it's garrison. The zombies launch these objects as well as the occasional Gravity Hammer armed Kamikaze Warriors into the tower in the intents of destroying it and it's garrison. A God Given Spartan Laser spawns on the very top of the tower for the humans to use against the Kamikaze Warriors in their defense of the tower.
    The fun of this map is that for the humans, you practice your sniping, lasering, jumping, and dodging ability trying to keep your footing on the tower while shooting and being shot at. As a Zombie, you just chuck objects, including yourself at the tower or take a turret to disable the humans scope and get the point for killing them. The zombies most powerful weapons are the Warthog, that can move, the two Gauss warthogs that can't move, the deployable cover, and a well used gravity hammer. The gauss warthogs pound the tower into dust, while the warthog crashes into it for some old fashioned block-busting fun, the deployable cover , and the grav-hammer, if well used can knock multiple humans at once off the tower.
    The Gametype makes the humans nearly invincible (as you have to take damage to go out of scope) the zombies take three hits with a sniper or one hit with the laser as they are immune to headshots. 1 point is given for a suicide, to inspire zombies to ram vehicles into the tower, 7 points are given for infecting a human, 1 point for killing a zombie, and 3 points for last man standing. Other settings of note are that both the humans and zombies have infinite ammo, humans can't use vehicles, while zombies can. Humans start with snipers, and zombies start with plasm pistols, both sides can pick up weapons. Humans also have 75% speed to reduce their chances of accidently walking off the edge. Indestructible Vehicles is on, to make the Spartan Laser unable to completely control the level.
    The Zombies spawn on the cliff near the barrier separating the map from the rest of the base level, the humans all spawn on the tower, next to their Spartan Laser. There is a cliffside gravlift that sends the zombies and their munitions flying towards the human tower, the humans can't get to the mainland as there are three grav-lifts stopping them. If you somehow get out of the map, there is a teleporter near the barrier that allows you back in. The Gauss hogs spawn in cages comprised of two fence boxes, with two-way teleporters allowing access. Their is a bridge behind each Gauss Cage that leads to a mancannon sending players to the attacker side towers, on top of each tower is a machine gun turret and in a bridge between the two towers is a bridge upon which you can find the deployable cover, and two of the fusion coils. The vehicles to be flung at the tower all spawn between the Gauss Cages, directly in front of the end of level wall, as does the gravity hammer. Near the grav cannon is a pair of fusion coils ready for launching.

    Here are the armory manifests for both sides.

    British Troops (Humans)
    -All troops armed with Sniper Rifles
    -One Spartan Laser

    Japanese Kamikaze Warriors (Zombies)
    -All conscript troops armed with Plasma Pistols
    -One Gravity Hammer
    -Four Mongeese
    -Two Ghosts
    -One Chain-Turret Warthog
    -Two Machine Gun Turrets
    -Four Fusion Coils
    -One Deployable Cover
    -One Gauss-Turret Warthog

    Fixed the differences between alpha zombies and infected zombies.
    Thanks to Furious D 18 for pointing that out.
    #1 !nikheizen, Feb 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I don't usually go for min-games or Infection, but I really had fun when I played this map with you guys. At one point I was jumping off of blocks as they fell, trying to get back onto the tower. After 3-4 jumps I eventually fell to my death, but enough time had passed since the zombie shot me that my death counted as a fall and not an infection.

    Another tactic that you didn't mention is shooting the fusion coils as a mongoose or warthog approaches to deflect the incoming vehicle.

    Also, when I played there were orange zombies and black zombies and some had plasma pistols and some had magnums. I'm assuming it has to do with alpha zombie traits. What are the differences between them and why orange?

    Finally, I probably would not have read that large block of text if I didn't already know how great this map is. I highly suggest moving the pic of the tower to the top of the post. Let everyone see what this map is about, and how cool it looks. I guarantee they'll be intrigued enough to keep reading. You might also consider sprinkling those screenshots into the text to illustrate some points.

    Anyways, great job Turbo and Rick, and definitely send me an invite next time you guys play this.
  3. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Nice Post, Turbo. Way to make the map look and sound good. I'd download it if I didn't already... wait... I don't have it yet... queued! I think Furious made some good suggestions, though, if you have time to reorganize a bit. Anyway, this is a really fun map (the only infection variant I'll play, other than gravedigger's tower defense), and I recommend it to anybody who likes a bit of ridiculousness now and then. Again, it was a pleasure working with you, Turbo.


    And way to incorporate the haiku. Glad I started a trend, lol.
  4. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Shhhh. Don't tell, I think that it's better if they find this kind of stuff out themselves.

    Yes, I should change that. *turns on xbox*
    Alright Fixed it!

    I took your advice, and am going to bring in some in-action screenshots, for the sprinkling maneuver, thanks for all the comments Furious!

    Thank you, I just thought it was so great in your Guilder App that I included it in this.
  5. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    OMG Jenga sounds and looks really funny. This is a must try. Queued!
  6. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
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    Nevermind, this post was stupid.

    And someone had to quote.
    #6 PlasmaGlory, Feb 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  7. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    "In a universe far, far away:
    The Forge Hub, Shell shocked tournament is really revving up, posts have come in from members ranging from Forge n00bs, that don't know how to make objects float to the great Trans-Guilder Counsel. Anticipation is rising, and many a member fears that the recreation of II raW DlroW created by the evil Tikki Taki will take first place in this contest, but one shining hope still stands, Turbo Gerbil604, and Cosmic Rick's Jenga Tower, with matching gametype Jengatron. This beacon of hope is the only chance for the Republic members of FH to finally defeat the Imperial members, their iron fist, and their 50% income tax levy."

    I wish, buddy, I wish.
    #7 !nikheizen, Feb 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  8. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    This is a great game and it is really fun to play.

    I had a blast playing it and giving suggestions.
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    this isn't what i was expecting at all when i clicked on this thread. it's rather impressive!
    when i saw "jenga tower" i wasn't expecting an entire storyline and a gametype, which the gametype sounds and looks great. I hope to play this in the future.

    great job.
  10. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Thank you for the response, I thought of the storyline with my brother, and the other dark, we wouldn't have had those marvelously useful Fusion Coils on the map, for attacker's use without you.
    To anyone who likes the map, It'd be great if you bumped me in the bungie forums, and gave it your rating so that I know what you think.
    And if anyone plays the map and finds something that they would like to be changed, please speak out, because improvements can always be made!
  11. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    This map just really makes me happy. Like Furious, I'm not usually big on minigames. But jumping up falling blocks just makes a deep part of my soul feel satisfied. Great map!

  12. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Thank you! this map has gotten a lot of positive response and this makes me as a forger feel proud. I've never been good at this game, but I enjoy being the zombie and I yell Jenga whenever a human gets killed.

    Not sure what that means, but... thank you?
  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Lol, Lance had a breakdown because this map is so awesome! Lol, really, what was that?

    I gotta start doing that, it sounds fun.

    My second session on this map was as fun as the first, but I agree with whoever yelled "more rounds." It was fun.
  14. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Mmm... This may be the best casual, between-games game I've played. Glad I had a hand in creating it. Here are my OFFICIAL strategy tips:

    Zombies: Try to get the gravity hammer... this should allow you to knock those pesky British teetotalers off their tower and rack up some points. Triple kill, anyone?

    Zombies: If you can't get the grav hammer, at least grab a turret... it you don't get sniped, you have a good chance of stealing some kills from your heavier-weapon-wielding buddies. Additionally, concentrated fire will break apart some of the barriers holding the tower together.

    Zombies: Suicides are points... virgins and all that... but being killed won't help you out. And vehicles can get you off that cliff faster than anything else.

    Humans: shoot the zombie with the gravity hammer. Seriously.

    Humans: Makes sure your laser-wielder at least knocks the warthog off course when it shows up.

    Humans: Make sure you know where your footing is... And check often.
  15. J4K3RZ

    J4K3RZ Ancient
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    I played with some people and they decided they would get points by suiciding repeatedly, so I suggest making the suicide penalty 0.
  16. gman11d6

    gman11d6 Ancient
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    Hey, great idea! As soon as the recover gamertag system is back up, ill try to download it! :squirrel_chatting:
  17. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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  18. bruticus713

    bruticus713 Ancient
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    Looks great, got it qued for when I get home from work.
  19. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Does that actually stand for something, or did they just put the dots in for fun? I've never heard J.E.N.G.A before.
    Anyways, thanks for all the positive reviews!
  20. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Guys, I love this package. I know this has been here for a while but I finally got around to checking it out. I would love to see these type of games get more attention on FH, especially the quality ones like this. Anyway the game is great, very professionally put together. More to come.
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