1 Zombie kills everyone Have fun Best with 3+ Players Map- Trash Can Are you pissed about people destroying the nature with their trash. Well now it's time for payback. P.S. Have FUN Everything has to go to recycel Spawn point Gametype - Jenga No 1 Zombie 1 Life 3 Min. per round 10 Rounds Friendly Fire OFF
ive played that jenga tower map before, and i think it sucks. there is a much ebtter one called Gauss where the zombie is on a turret and has to shoot down the boxes so the invisible humans fall off of standoff..... and trash can just seems to require no skill; you are zombie: you hit some **** doen a hole. whoop-dy-****ing-doo you aer human: you sit in the little concrete bunker until a wraith kills you. whoop-dee-****ing-doo. .25/5
You should only post maps here that are your own. Neither of these maps are. The trash compacter has been around forever and it looks like you took Cosmic Rick's Jenga Tower and sloppily with no though added a few more things to ruin the fun.
wow, heavy flaming. but you deserve it. taking someone else's map and adding some shitty **** mcshitters to it ruins the fun, and does not make it your map. it seems more like an insult to the original mapmaker. bad, baaaaad kid.
Trash Can is my own Jenga Tower is edited my me i put must of the things there except for the tower and the wall every other thing is mine
ooh....you put a wraith and a banshee...oooooh. amd we have all played a map exactly like trash can, just without the noob wraith
ive played these maps a long time ago, about when the heroic map pack came out. Try again, make up something new, dont just edit something that was already made. i like the maps but i dont like the fact that they are already made up. 0/5 for the post.