Jeep wars has got to be one of my top hits. Everyone i play it with says they want to play again. Download: Jeep wars Pics Mid air hijack!!! Oh this cant end well Now thats just showing off How it should end How it shouldn't end Teh ub3r explosion The starting smash Well now that thats done i understand there is one called hog wars on th forums. I apolagise to that author if he thinks i copied his idea but i didnt so if you say i did just know that i made the first version of this when foundry came out and improved on it.
it is okay but really nothing special i think that i would love it but it isn't a map really all you do is try and splater dont get me wrong but really what did you to this add loads of boxes behind and add stairs and a cannon-mans, however i think that it would be good with team rockets that would be really fun
anyone can make this kind of map so it does not stand out sorry for bad coment but you sould think more about your maps 2/5 for me
ADD COMMAS PLEASE! I'M NEARLY OUT OF BREATH LOL! Sorry to say but you can't say much david, the map you made wasn't even as good as this. This seems a lot more fun and exciting - it's a mini game too. At least he knows what section to put his map in...jeez. Anyway. This could be a whole lot of fun. It would be interesting to see how you could destroy the other persons jeep, but hitting eachother in mid air could be - interesting. I like the levels used in this map too. To make this map a little better, I would add lots of movable objects around the map. Especially explosives. It will make the game a lot more fun. You could ram your opponent into a deathtrap haha! I'm actually thinking of making a robot wars themed map now!
argh, I need to make something simple yet fun like this! Yet another person has taken advantage of the fact that some of the most fun maps require almost no forging. anyway, the gameplay looks good except for the whole thing where there aren't many hogs. 3/5
i think its way to simple.maybe make a v2 with maybe some timed map events like ramps appering in the middle maybe even some dropping fusion coils. 2/5 plz make a v2 tho