Scootiee submitted a new map: JAWS - Mini game in which JAWS has to kill everyone before they make it to the end point Read more about this map...
Haha, really nice to just see the top of the Ghost ! It's cool to see some concept evolve in the good way !
We most certainly will be testing this out. It looks great fun another Scootie masterpiece from the looks of things.
It was fun when my lobby played it but there are some things that could be changed. The shark is able to get under the wall to the right. You should block that off. When the humans do get to the binary, the ghost can so easily run away to the other end of the map. The humans' hard work in getting to the binaries should be rewarded by allowing them to just kill the shark with not much work. Think Duck Hunt. If you don't want to do that ^ Then you should increase the time limit because by the time players get to the binaries, there's little time left and like I said, the shark could easily run away and waste time. Have more than 1 binary weapon pad.
Thanks for the feedback. I agree with what you say about the binary rifle, it's more of an honour system when you lose. What would you think would be an alternative to the binary rifle? Simply scripting a teleporter that teleports the ghost to its death? And the wall to the right is intentionally made so the shark can go under as to take away the certainty of safety along the wall.
Why not a Rocket launcher ? You could lock on the shark and like in the movie, make it explode. Or you can put a zone (where the Binary is) where players have fatal damage. So with just a gun, you could shoot the shark and if the idea is not enough good, 20 seconds before the end, make spawn a fusion coil on the Ghost and when it's destroyed, it destroys the Ghost. And to prevent the Ghost to escape, I don't know if it's possible now, 'cause it wasn't in Reach, but you can create softly dead zone spawning 1 minute before the end, to prevent the shark to go away.
Teleporter could work. Although it wouldn't be as satisfying. But it should get the job done of properly rewarding the humans. As for the wall, that's a good point. Someone in my lobby brought it up and I didn't think of people abusing the walls. I'll try to run some more games on this next week and see if the wall becomes a problem or if it's fine.
Yea, you're right it wouldn't be as satisfying, that was my initial thought when I was creating the gametype. So I was just doing a little experimenting with the map and I've now added in that if the guy gets out of his ghost he will get teleported to his death; even though that wasn't an issue I figured I should fix it anyway. Another thing I tested it out was having a teleporter scripted to spawn when a player got to the end. The teleporter wouldn't teleport the ghost to its death but basically it would be used to teleport the ghost back to the ramp at the base of the end zone in case the ghost did try and run away. The problem I have been having though is that the scripting for this will work perfectly fine in forge but when I try it in custom games it doesn't work at all. Not sure if this is a bug or what but for now the game will have to run on the understanding that if someone got to the binary rifle the ghost guy has to not run away. Either that or I could turn the game mode into a strongholds mode but, once again, that won't be as exciting or satisfying for the red team when they win.
To create something cool with a strongholds mode, I recommand you to create something scripted. Imagine that to the end, a Pelican come to save the survivors. Red team could come into the Pelican, after a few second, the door of the Pelican closes and the Pelican go with the survivors inside to a hill of strongholds, giving a point to the red team which wins the game.
Lol, not so sure then. Honestly thought I fixed it but haven't had a chance to go back now cause I'm having hard drive issues on my Xbox. Will look once again when I get it fixed. Thanks for letting me know.
Just grab it off of his gamertag