*deep breath* Alright then, I made my first map ever that actually featured interlocking a such. Here it is: JAVIAH Javiah is a map for Slayer.(Duh) Javiah is a map with a round 'arena' in the middle with a gate entrance(It has a small room on top, too.) and is pretty much curved. (Lots of side interlocks!!) DEVELOPMENT TIME: 5 weeks RECOMMENDED FOR: Slayer Kind of The Hill (Mosh Pit FTW!) Oddball Territories Alright, some gameplay pics! This IS my first map, so yeah... I ain't a Forge god. LINK TO MAP: Javiah Map *UPDATE!*
First Comment....well thats over with. Welcome to forge hub. From the pictures the map looks pretty good except for a few parts of it. i don't know how it plays, but it looks fun. There is a few spots where some stuff doesnt make sense, and where there could be better merging. Overall 3/5 BUT....i would like to see more from u in the future =)
Not bad, decent merging, all around great map for a first time. Only thing i feel it needs is a picture of the entire map from above, an overview if you will, and maybe a bit more to the description (ie recommended # of players, inspiration, etc) Outside of that, great work
Actually for your first map Id say this is pretty legit.You used a good amount of interlocking, and everything is clean for what I can tell form the screenshots.I dont know how the gameplay adds up though.Ill give it a DL and get back to you, maybe.
This looks pretty good, but I think you should geomerge to get rid of a lot those bumps. I like the interlocking though. Could you maybe give us an overview of the map? I don't know, but it is just hard to get a feel of this map. Nice job! I rate it 3.5/5. Keep forging
You have an excellent idea here. My advice would be to geomerge objects on the wall. There are some random things on the map. Fix some of the teleporter placements because some of them dont really make any sense. 3.5/5
:O Wow Ramps This actually does look like a really nice map, I like the way you managed to make the geometry unique and interesting. Also, with your boxes you need to flip either all of them or none of them, having half of your boxes flipped looks somewhat dodgy (same with bridges) and it kind of messes with the general look of the map. That fencebox in the last picture looks pretty campable, but I guess I'll have to play and see.
^I agree with above^ Apart from that thought it looks like a well thought out map. I won't download however cause I dun like teh FFA... Anyway nice first post!
you need to interlock more and maybe use more measurments but other than that this looks like a good fun map im going to dl it for now its a 3/5 if you make a v2 cleaning it up a bit and adjusting a few things you might get a 4.5/5 or a 5/5
i kinda like this map. i c some parts that could be fixed up a bit. in some areas, the place looks a bit messy, maby instead of making a bunch of movable objects laying everywhere, make a sculpture out of immovable objects instead to take out some of the messyness. and in screenshot #2, the map would look nice if u merged the bridge into the double boxes, trust me, it would look pro like that, and flip it over too if u ever do that
thanks guys, I kinda thought that if the stuff wouldn't be there, the team with rockets and sniper= overkill. Alos, the barriers in pic 3 are temporary walls, A.K.A you can blow them over. Let's get to work on Demote! Teleporter leads to the secret room, I kinda thought to put it that way.
Cons: Some things that could have been interlocked weren't. The map looks pretty easy to get out of. (I should go test it in forge) I noticed a teleporter. Usually, (especially for beginner maps) they aren't good for gameplay. Pros: Looks good. Original. Fun layout. Well balanced.