Okay, I lied. There's no preview yet. However, me and Psychoduck are premaking part of the campaign after Rally Point Alpha on Tip of the Spear, where everyone's in the BXR plant? Thanks a bunch to Katanga Askar who rendered a ten minute long video for us, showing us all the nooks and crannies. We've gotten to work on the map, and will be posting screenshot updates on it fairly regularly. One thing that you guys should note is that this is /not/ an exact remake. Sure, the base will be the same as much as we can make it, but new routes will be opened up to help break the inherent linearity in campaign maps, and for practical reasons the landform that the whole base is connected to has been vastly reworked. Here's an overview screenshot to keep you guys interested... ...and here's some development screenshots!
A nice asymmetrical map could come out of this... if it were to be implemented right. The rural run down look won't go down too smoothly with the forgeworld pallet though
Well no, obviously it's going to be forerunnerified... we're allowed a certain degree of creative license with these maps.
Looks a little too linear for me (since campaign is supposed to be linear anyway) but I guess Cargo Port worked fine, so why not this one? I'll be interested to see what you change about the original to make your rendition unique!
Me and Psychoduck have already thought of a number of ways of making the space less linear, such as opening up the garage door that's closed in campaign, as well as creating a bridge across the section you enter after that silly Elite on the turret. We're thinking of adding a grav lift as well somewhere...
Wow, do you and Psycho have a whole section of multiplayer map remakes planned? Because this one looks a lot bigger than Cargo Port and might play better, especially with the additions you mentioned. I see a lot of testing in my future, lol. Can't wait to play.
I have five minutes if you'd like it. I tried rendering at least part of the video, but I don't have enough time. If you cut it in half, I could render half the video for you.
It might be a bit late since this is a "preview" thread, but why not make 2 or 3 and make it a map pack. Like the "Campaign" map pack or sometihng. Regardless of what you choose to do I'm excited for it. Cargo port was cool. Keep it up guys. If you need testing help hit me up Rho fs Best regards
Well thank you very much good sir! To anyone who's afraid of linearity, there is an entirely new main pathway that will be created by opening the garage door Matt mentioned. With this map, i believe our design focus will be on invasion and then we will perfect the map for standard game modes, the opposite of what we did in cargo port.
I remember when I originally thought that this playspace would be a multiplayer map by Bungie before Reach came out. Turns out it wasn't ;'( Do a good job and make me proud
Exodus was probably the most nonlinear part of the campaign besides a few places that are already multiplayer maps, and this part of tip of the spear might be the most linear part of the entire game. Even if you add some doors to make it not so linear it still will suffer from some of the narrow pathways, and because no one was supposed to have a jetpack anywhere near that area, you'll need a large number of kill zones to keep the game from ending up entirely on the roofs. If you haven't already decided on a place to build the map I would suggest using some part of Montana or Alaska and if you could even build it with the bridge going across the gorge between them. If you do manage to open up some areas, you could make it play invasion quite well, otherwise it might be best for conquest. Keep in mind that when Bungie made the campaign levels and there are doors everywhere, most have nothing behind them and even if there is another door on the other side they often won't line up because they were never meant to be opened.
From what I understood from flying around in forge with them, it was either Alaska, Montana, or the area above the cave area in Hemorrhage. And yes, yes, they know. They'll figure it out. I have faith in that.
Progress Report: 02/25/11 Map's got a solid foundation going. For practical reasons we decided to change the other half of the bridge, since in campaign it's way to boring for the Spartans in the final Invasion phase without putting buildings all around, and we didn't want to waste even more money and objects there. Here'es a specific overview of the island...
Personally, when I saw you're overview of the actual map.. I expected you to erase the bridge and keep it smaller scaled so you can improve the layout much more. If needs be for aesthetic appeal, you could keep the bridge, but softkill it further on so players spend more time on the main area of the map.