Hello there Forgehub Community! If you have quality knowledge on Javascript... I need your help. I've been working on a widget for Mac that displays current news from Bungie's RSS Feed onto a widget. I'm using Dashcode so it does most of the script making for me, but I've hit a roadblock. Right now I'm trying to make a pop-up menu that limits the articles shown to 30 most recent, 20 most recent, 10 most recent, and 5 most recent. I have the menu but I don't know how to code it so it actually does the task. I also have another menu that needs coding, and I want it to show the RSS feed from Bungie, and then have it switch to Forgehub's feed. :frustrated: If you are interested in helping me just send me your email address and you can get to work, and if I do publish it on Apple, I'll be sure to include you as a major helping hand. And you'll see I've made a link to my bungie.net profile, and I'll put yours right next to it. :happy: