Jasper 360s : how to identify the "best" Xbox 360 version

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by fiery, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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    Jasper is the codename for the latest Xbox 360 models to roll off production and have tiny 65nm CPU and GPUs. The smallest, coolest, least power demanding, most stable and generally "best" Xbox 360 version to be manufactured.Heres how to find one if your in the market for a new one:

    The first thing you'll want to do is look at the sticker on the outside of the box, this will have the lot number, team and some other potentially useful information. The lot numbers you're looking for are 0842X or newer, although unlike Falcon-hunting, the lot number won't guarantee you a Jasper. The lot number refers to the year and week that the console was built, 08 being the year, 42 being the 42nd week of the year. The X is there for, well, good luck I guess. The team isn't as important as it was in the Falcon days either, Xbox 360 Arcade bundles marked lot 0842X from team CSON and FDOU have been both Jasper or Falcons...

    AnandTech: Jasper Is Here: A Look at the New Xbox 360
  2. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Well obviously everyone here has a 360 so I don't think anyone will need to know if they have a new one... Interesting, however. I know the 360 takes up a crap load of power and I happen to have a "Falcon" as you call it.
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    thing is, is that its not all down to the power cable
    i got mine 2008 and so did my friend and his had a white disk tray and is quieter

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