James Cameron's 3D Movie: Avatar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by makisupa007, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well in all honesty i didn't think this movie would appeal to me as it did. For me (call me weird) it was an eye opening movie, just the messages it portrayed (if you caught on to them) was great. Also it makes more sense now Avatar = based of Pocahontas (Space shuttle = ships) Except this is a really bad ass Pocahontas.
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    And Harry Potter was all about the holocaust. Voldemort is wizard Hitler, didn't you know?
  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    There is a reason for it: Unobtainium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    There is absolutely NO doubt that this movie is extremely cliched. HOWEVER, the story does not matter because you get lost in the visuals. Not even kidding. I blanked out on sections of the movie just because I was in awe of the alien plants and species and how real they were. Trust me, the animation will erase any problems you will have with the plot.
    If not, then honestly, you're just a snob.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah never watched those movies so um never heard that crazy theory, but i thought they stated some where Avatar is loosely based of of Pocahontas or maybe im just full of **** idk.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Nah, it's based off Dances With Wolves.
  6. Torkzor

    Torkzor Ancient
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    Never even heard of this movie till a few days ago, and i decided to see the movie yesterday, and it exceeded all my expectations. It's a great movie.
  7. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    Personally, I thought this movie fuggin' rocked. It was unreal. My legs were all shaking and my heartbeat was really fast too, after watching. Words really can't describe how great this movie was.

    If you are deciding whether to go see this...well, let's just say I would pay $30 to see Avatar.
  8. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Just wondering, and I haven't seen the movie yet, but I plan to, why does everyone say that the CG is fantastic when I can watch the trailer in 1080 p HD on my TV at home and the CG looks bad when compared with Star Wars? The plants and animals that people are hailing as "masterpieces" look exceedingly fake from everything I have seen... though I do still plan to see the movie based solely on hype and the fact that I love 3D.
    #49 KratosAurion777, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  9. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    1080p HD TV =/= 3D glasses + movie screen. That's why.

    This quote from one of the commenters sums up how much of a douchebag that critic is: "Dude, you just compared Avatar to Transformers, and chose Transformers as the better of the two. What kind of fantasy world are you living in Armond? Please stop reviewing films. You know not what a fool you make of yourself.".

    Also, here is a picture of him: [​IMG]
    #50 Whisper, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Seriously, the CGI 3-D effects were put in at a way never done b4, has that critic every watched fully 3-D movie now that is an eye sore to me. This move had not only the great bookozes of effects but also a thought out story line. This move doesn't incorporate (America he is referring too) loosing its self in shame/guilt. Although he did see my point on how Cameron fixed on the historical (indian v america) which is truely a dispicable thing we did. This movie if looked at correctly makes you feel kinda sad. It made me see things differently (which really good produced and thought out movies have a tend to do) it makes me view our world in a whole better and with a more justified understanding. It also really incorperated how the American Indians were, in tune to nature and life and such. All in all not only was i entertained but (not to sound too corny which i will) it really seemed to have touched my heart and soul.
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I thought the article was great, though I am surprised at his interpretation of Cameron's hypocrisy. To me, the entire story appears to be about showing the bad behind human nature, how we destroy things, cause harm through conflict, etc. and yet the movie capitalizes on heart-pounding action that's meant to excite the audience.

    Though I just want to see this movie to witness the protest, but I guess I'm a little late.
  12. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Wow, that protest is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Just because lesbians and gays exist, why does that mean they should be in every movie ever made? Cheetahs exist, but I don't see them in every movie. Crazy hermaphrodites with 5 dicks exist, but I don't see them in every movie. Also, if the director doesn't like gays or lesbians (which I'm not saying Cameron does), don't they have the right to choose not to include them? Isn't that in effect the same right that the LGBT community has fought for? The right to choose? Really, they're just being pretentious hypocrites by saying that they have the right to choose but James Cameron doesn't.
    This is what makes them look bad. They supreme gay overlord should know better and rein his people in.

    In regards to people discussing the emotional and underlying merits of the movie, I have this to say. There are some movies that are meant to be watch, debated, discussed, analyzed, and understood. Avatar is not one of those movies, even if Cameron meant it to be one. Avatar is meant to be watched, imagined, and watched again. This movie should not be about the story for you; it should be about the visuals.
    #53 Whisper, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I think the irony of the critic is that he doesn't get the irony of the film. The film's over the top extravagence was enough to reduce me to a state of childlike awe and wander. I understood every last detail and message, which is why I enjoy the movie so much. Cameron delivered his message to America as most Americans need to hear it. He needed to desensitize the audience so that for the few who are on the fence about political issues they could beter accept his views. Sure technology is wonderful, but we could be experiencing those moments on our own instead of through a film. It's really hard to defend America's past actions and it's even sadder when people try to. That isn't the point though, not our past, but our future.
  14. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    That is true, but the way American society is today the best way to get to people is through entertainment. Now i knew about the views that were portrayed before and it did make me think about them more. But not many people in the United States actually follow politics which is a very sad thing. People would rather let this nation be run by god knows who than actually take the time to listen or learn about their political views and ideals. Yes the true fact is we should not dwaddle on our past actions but make sure never to do such things again. But if you think about it (like i have stated before) Native Americans were and still are very in tune to the world, they knew things that we could and probably never can understand. Well iv already got into such quarrels over this so this is my last statement on the topic.
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Please talk some more. I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions on the matter.
  16. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Ok this getting too deep now...
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Nonsense. You can't properly enjoy a good movie or even a book if you can't let yourself be immersed by it. Sometimes you've got to follow the rabbit trail no matter how deep it goes, because you'll end up discovering something new and personal and the trip will have been worth it.
  18. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well if you insist, lol finally someone who is intellectual and would like to talk about real matters. First id like to see your thoughts on what i said if you don't mind, also i am due to go to church but will be back on in oh say 2 hours.

    If anyone brings up the "how does this movie have any affect to real matters?" then you really didn't watch the movie that well. True it was a form of entertainment but like i said some good political views and ideals were portrayed in this movie. Now they were partially liberal but still they are good points that most people would agree on. The whole "we destroyed out mother (Jake means earth here people)" is really true, when i look at what humanity as a whole has done to this planet it makes me sick. Not to sound to theological but i don't think humanity was meant to destroy this planet in the way we have. Now granted alot of this "world in crisis" is bs. But humanity has done alot to **** this world over and its time, now or never, to try and fix this before it gets too out of hand.
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    To be honest, there are many aspects of our culture that I despise. I personally hate MTV. It sensationalizes fantasies that aren't healthy and won't ever happen. It's trash TV and the more people fill their minds with it the more people will be like it. People idolize the stereotypes on TV and slowly become them and it's because we're taught not to be that way and I can see why. The stage has been set early on for most of us to consume what's around us without ever realizing the consequences or the reality of the world around us. In our culture most people are never happy with less, which is why I'm thankful in one sense for this depression. We're going to have to re-learn as a society how we treat each other and the world around us. No longer will I look with disdain at an old friend who is poor. Instead I'll go take them for a bite to eat. If we can turn into a nation that gives instead of taking and taking it could change the whole world. We're only on top because we've practically taken everything, but that has a price and we're seeing it today. There's no solution to the consequences of our greed. The government is unable to fix it because it's built upon our ideals. It's going to take as we take. So, the only solution, as individuals is to set out to serve and to produce for other's sake and not our own. It's the only way to save the economy and to strengthen our nation. I hope that many Americans realize that more will ultimately lead to less.

    The future America I want to see shouldn't be strong because of it's military or economy, but because of it's character.
    #60 rusty eagle, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009

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