Download jail! gametype! Jail is a cops n robbers map.. What? you guessed? I haven't spent too much time on this, i've concentrated on gameplay mostly and the map can occasionally be sloppy. Robbers start inside the jail were they are ordered around by the cops while trying to escape. Features: Rec room Contains a soccer ball in some sheild doors, a concrete sofa and a massive tv. Eating place contains tables, a bar and some bubbly regeneratory cocktails. Toilets contains four toilets, two showers and two cleverly hidden escape routes. One way doors has two of these stopping people getting out but lets people get in, don't leave an open door un-attended if you're a cop. pictures... lols look at em backwards i put em in backwards and they don't follow into each other unless read backwards Freedom! Were are you going then? Futuristic toilets 0.o Liquidises your poop before you can say C4n 1 H45 R£c0N? Eating area, regenerator and bubble sheild as cocktails Opposite end of cell corridor looking itno toilets, eating area on right, one way doors and exit to left The rec room, sofa didn't spawn properly but I have fixed that now. Cells and main corridor, rec room on far left
to not have much time in it, it looks good. If you get alot of downloads maybe work on a neater version. WHEREs the link to download the map, and I assume theres a gametype.
Looks cool. My only gripe is that in close quarters, escape often proves impossible for the robbers. I actually have a map for this gametype I should post....but this looks excellent.
Soz bout the link, realised i had forgotten iterally 10 seconds after posting but link is up now. Gametype is on the post but any cops n robbers should work, il put game on post now.
Yeah pics were difficult. Later i'll delete the roof and show and overview because the map is enclosed.
it looks well built, an di like the eating area most of all, but it doesnt look like you interlocked as much as you couldve. but i like the futuristic toilit thing "liquifies your poop before you can say can i has recon" lol, that was genius
I would have interlocked more but i decided not to use inf money and didn't want to run outta cash too quickly. Only reason I don't like inf money is because more than once i have had a really good start on a map then accidently changed the run time maximum on something like double boxes which pretty much removes any chance of completing the map.
my first ever map was a jail but this 1 puts it 2 shame the layouts perfect, some places r abit sloopy but overall looks really fun
Well most of the layout is perfect but the fact i couldn't make an outside was really annoying. I had to put double wall floors down over the cells as the floor was extremely bumpy, i suppose if i put the cells and boxes behind them upside down i could use the double wall money for something else, except that would take alot of time to do.