Original Thread here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105328-kingdom-needs-some-playtesting.html I was unhappy with the gameplay of my original "Kingdom" map. It was my first map in forge and I really overestimated the pacing of Reach, making my map way to expansive. Even with max party size of 8v8, it was difficult to defend all sides of the huge castle effectively. I decided to disregard the valley section of the map, and focus more on a direct assault of the main gates. I also wanted to include more of a "fun" factor to defending the castle so I added several artillery "cannons" on the top towers. A new large tower holds two wraiths, while three lower towers house revenants. Attackers have a small protected cave for some vehicles on the far side of the opposing plateau. I added more bridges to cover the chasm between the plateaus, as well as some bunker structures to help launch attacks on the castle from ( one main vehicle bridge, 2 foot bridges, and one mancannon). I was hoping to try a test game to see how this new setup plays out. If anyone would be interested in playtesting please reply and leave your gamertag! First playtesting sessions will start around new years if enough people volunteer to play.
I remember playing an early version of this with you. Did you fix all the bad things? Like: Tank (A) beating everything. Sniper (A) beating the Focus Rifle (D) every flipping time. Sniper (A) with too much ammo raping enemy vehicles. People having no idea how to traverse their incredibly complicated castle (D). People having no idea how to find their "hidden" weapons (D). Tank/Wraith/Whatever camping the Defender's castle. Having no ability to even remotely traverse the map on foot (due to map being too long and never ending vehicles raping you). Unholy amounts of spawn camping. Some other stuff I can't remember. By the way, (A) = Attackers, (D) = Defenders
Tank (A) beating everything. All heavy vehicles (excepts for "cannons") have been taken out ( no mobile tank/wraith/falcon/banshee/gauss hog/rocket hog) Sniper (A) beating the Focus Rifle (D) every flipping time. not sure how this will work with the new version, but there is only 1 sniper for attackers with limited ammo and long respawn. Defenders now have a single focus rifle. I would say attackers still have the "sniper" advantage but much more limited now. However if most defenders are in the "cannons" they will be hard for a sniper to kill (the elevated tower height makes the vehicle driver's head untouchable from what I've tested so far). Sniper (A) with too much ammo raping enemy vehicles. Sniper ammo is reduced, single sniper rifle, long respawn People having no idea how to traverse their incredibly complicated castle (D). I feel with most every map there is a period of learning the layout of the map. Having played this map many times the layout is fine for me, but perhaps troublesome for a first timer. I would consider ramp revisions, however I didn't want to make them too simple so defenders could stop ascending attackers. Also there are 5 differnt routes available to ascend the walls. People having no idea how to find their "hidden" weapons (D). "Power" weapons have been all but eliminated from the map. You will find an abundance of DMR/Needle rifles, as well as a few other weapons in limited supply in key areas (x1 sniper, x1 focus rifle, x1 rocket launcher, 2x shotgun, x1 sword, 3x plasma pistol, x1 needler, 1x concussion rifle) Tank/Wraith/Whatever camping the Defender's castle. There is no more tank/wraith on the map. Defenders still have x2 ghosts currently. Technically speaking the tower "cannons" main purpose is to camp the castle, however since they are locked in place on the towers they are very limited in their use. My main concern is just how troublesome their barrage can be in a full game. Having no ability to even remotely traverse the map on foot (due to map being too long and never ending vehicles raping you). The map have been reduced in size by about half when I eliminated the valley section. Respawners have been improved as well using my knowledge from making "City Streets". Hopefully in playtests there will be a chance to respawn further upfield if your team is holding that position. Unholy amounts of spawn camping. Will have to see upon playtesting, but with the huge reduction in power vehicles/power weapons I think it will be better. Artillery fire could be a problem in spawn camping but will have to test to see how it plays out. It's important to note that in the original "Kingdom" map there was only 1 respawn area for attackers, while in this new version there are 4 respawn areas (each advancing closer to the castle). If defenders manage to camp the attacker's "home base" it will now force attacker respawns to occur in other areas (possibly right next to the castle gates).
Well, you definitely seem to know what your doing, and I'm glad you've actually been taking our input after all those testing sessions. I also just noticed you took out the entire Canyon section and added more bridges towards the castle. This is shaping up to be a great BTB map, Jackal.