Jackal Creek

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Goat, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Epic sad face. The download link isn't working. I would love to download this map, it seems kinda like a medly of halo 2 outdoor maps. And emulating Halo 2 is a very, very good thing! =D

    And I see that it's setup for almost every single gametype. However, is there a chance that speedpile will make it onto this map?
  2. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    When I saw that this map was in this area, I knew it would be something else. The map truly sets a new style in terrain as the terrain itself is what makes the gameplay and is a great choice to set a map like this. It is not creative but it truly is a idea that is relatively good to let the terrain make the map instead of the block pieces. The map is great and I cannot wait to give it a try. Nice job man.
  3. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    If the link isn't fixed by the time I'm home for work Ill upload the map to my fileshare and post a link here. This map is absolutely one of the best you will see if not the best and deserves to be shared
  4. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Download link is fix'd. I thought the thread had died so I hadn't bothered to update it.

    I'm surprised JC is still receiving as much attention as it is.
  5. Onyx Melon

    Onyx Melon Forerunner

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    The pit just lost its place as the best 4vs4 objective map ever. Jackal Creek has surpassed it. This is a genious map. It is relatively symmetrical so that it is fair but the sides are different enough to keep it interesting and orientation easy. The map is also perfectly balanced, especially the ghost and raised area to one side, both of which i did not expect to be.

    Another thing I like about this map is the diversity. We played 4vs5 slayer, 5vs5 multiflag and 9 player FFA on it and all of them played execptionally but very differently (although flag was my favourite).

    The only thing that seemed like it might be overpowered is the sniper rifle, but that may have been more to do with the sniper rifle/ Duck NG combination than the weapon itself. However Duck did seem to have it very often so I advise changing the spawn time to 180 if it isn't already. Other than that this map is ready for matchmaking and will quickly become a favourite.
  6. dt192

    dt192 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOW im supprised this map didn't win sooner, great map, me and my friends have been playing on this a lot for quite a while now, really good gameplay, nice to see someone going for some natural landscape on a small map, congrats on the win :-D
  7. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I must say when I first saw this map I almost passed it over. I've been dissapointed repeatedly with the more open landscaped maps. I delved into this map with serious reservations.

    I'm very glad I made that download. This map has given me something I've found missing from Forgeworld. I've tried a dozen times to start a map like this but just keep giving up. You have picked one of my favorite open vehicle spaces and made it seem completely different. I haven't yet played an actual game on this map but so far I can't find a fault. My only dissapointment is that there wasn't just a little more room for the ghost. I'd like to have a 2 and get some good ghost on ghost action. I'd almost like to drop a banshee in there but it might get a bit rough.

    Is sword enough draw for the middle of this map or don't you think the rocket launcher may have more appeal? Maybe it's just because I'll only be playing this map in CS.
  8. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Sorry to say, the tall walls just look way out of place and ruin the map for me. I think the map looks nice otherwise.

    Why is this map thread pinned?
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Have you even played the map? You don't even notice it. The coliseum walls were implemented perfectly so that the map would still have a completely natural feel to it.

    I believe you may be trolling now. I answered this question of yours in another thread. It's pinned because it was one of the winners of Forge Hub Favorites. (Commonly abbreviated FHF)
  10. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The walls were originally implemented so that I could find a symmetrical space to work off of. They're as high as they are to block off the mountain of the Island. This way, players spend less time noticing that they are in a box and more time on what's in front of them. If you could see the mountain behind the walls it would be too obvious where you were.

    As someone else said, this is stickied again because it was a FHF. I'm humbled by the honor, but I would prefer that more attention be spent for Pioneer, which is how I originally wanted Jackal Creek to feel. The walls aren't as looming in that map, so I encourage you to give it a go.
  11. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
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    I dowloaded this awhile ago but never had the chance to comment on it. Here it is:
    I love when forgers put their maps in unique areas. This part of the island was just begging for a bridge and you did just that. The bases are simple yet effective. *Simplicity is key. Too often maps are confusing due to so many things on them. This map I find is definetly a spiritual successor to our beloved Beaver Creek. You captured what could not be done with simply remaking Beaver Creek. That is, as said above, the beauty of it. Not to mention your map actualy has a creek...with water! Overall an amazing map!
  12. tikitike13

    tikitike13 Forerunner

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    i totally would dl this map but none of the good maps have updated links now i am sad good looking map
  13. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    so you revived a year old thread to say that?
  14. Sashexander

    Sashexander Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I want to DL aswell...
  15. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    Man, I was just about finished with my map in this same location and same layout haha, but I'll just hold off on it.

    The Land makes for less structure needed, which usually makes it a bit bland and boring, but you added into it very well. The ghost, i feel, is the icing on the cake. Finishes it with a nice touch. Can't wait to play this, if I can ever get my buddies on at the same time haha. Good Job.

    Just realized this is an older post. My thoughts still stand.
    #55 GetRdy2Fall, Sep 5, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  16. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    Can I get an updated download link someone?
  17. SaVaGe SpAnK

    SaVaGe SpAnK Forerunner

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    DL Link

    Hey guys, I've had this map for a long time now, I will be loading it into my file share later when I get home. Just search GT: SaVaGe ExtenZe and you'll find it. Also, does anyone have the latest version of MLG Splashes V7? Link for that one is old as well. Thanks.
  18. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
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