An unsuspecting Ghost driver learns Halo's meaning of a Jack-in-the-Box when he rams into a conspicuous box lying on its side. YouTube - HD Video Render- Jack in a Box Please rate the video on YouTube and leave a comment on what you think. EDIT: Story: We were playing normally and then our whole team jumped into the box and hid there. Their team was looking for us for about 3 minutes with no success. That's probably why he ran into the box in the first place. My guest (my brother) panicked when he took damage from the moving box when it was hit and he jacked the Ghost. I can honestly say that I can watch that over and over without it getting old.
lol, I expected the box to somehow kill the driver (technically it did). But it was still great! But why would you ram an upright box to begin with?
We were playing normally and then our whole team jumped into the box and hid there. Their team was looking for us for about 3 minutes with no success. That's probably why he ran into the box in the first place. My guest (my brother) panicked when he took damage from the moving box when it was hit and he jacked the Ghost. I can honestly say that I can watch that over and over without it getting old. EDIT: Added to OP for more clarity.
Knowing that story makes the entire video better, I think that you should put this in the original post.
I was expecting something totaly different but that was way better and funnier than what i expected. That makes me rofl.
Haha, I've had something similar happen to me once. It was infection on a modified Rat's Nest, and some guy got into an upright box, and everytime a zombie went to the top he pwned them. So, I just went up to the side, hit it with my energy sword and it partially went through the box and killed him. Wish I saved the film.