DOWNLOAD HERE JIAB(jack in the box) is a medium sized map that has 2 bases and 1 overpacked centerpiece with only a small ball of energy holding it all. if that ball happens to vanish, all hell is released. This is one of the 2 symmetrical bases, the basemaking part i did not hold dear to my heart but i think it works This is where the magic happens, 8 crates fly up at once this is the magic's effect. its creates a tower of crates that skyrocket into the air and raindown on the unfortunate. for those who jumped over it suffered a worse fate. expect this in the begining of every match, some1 is bound to grab the custom powerup, when that happens, keep your head up Tell your friends to grab this =) CREDITS: I would like to thank LOST Famous for showing me what happens when u combine all the boxes toghether, i added the 4 cannon,mans though and the sheild to make it the deadliest trap. DISCLAIMER: I hope people make maps like these but better. it took me like 3-4 hours (also kept acciedently quit like 3 times).
its pretty cool i like the whole idea of the crates after getting the power up to fly up. I think the merging could be nicer maybe a couple more pics but overall good job
very cool idea but it sounds like more of a casual or fun map rather than a competitive one. lol, and what happens after the trap is sprung... we have to hurdle all those boxes for the rest of the round?
the map is basicly the trick shown by bigwoodee on youtube with the crate thing so this map isnt origonal. you can use that trick in maps but be unique with it like i used that trick to make an elevater. also dont have it as the focus of the map. 3/5 stars
Looks pretty cool with the crates flying around, one suggestion though: make the crates shoot out again every 3 minutes or so. That would make it alot more fun in my opinion.
If you want your opponents to meet terrible deaths just make a gametype where it's everyone vs you, and they all spawn in an upside down fence box with swords. You of course spawn a machine gun outside of it. Anyways, I think it is a cool idea, although I have not yet played on it. I'm a little low on custom gametype space at the moment.
its not a elevator it shoots multiple crates at lethal speeds. elevevators arent suppose to kill you and bring you to places
That a cool idea with the crates shooting out of the ground like that. I was actually trying to find a use for interlocking mancannons like that the other day, but couldn't find one. This one looks great though.
looks great the map centering around a elevator reminds me of my map Higher Ground (see the link in my sig)
thank you it means alot receiving positive feedback from someone in your status =) and like i said earlier:ITS A TRAP!
maybe in a v2 version im going to have to make a template of the box launcher platform as a map if other people are interested