Jack be QuickV2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Youtuber, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Jack be Quick Version 2
    Created by Youtuber

    Supported Gametypes:
    Jak be Nimble V2
    Map Description
    This is the second map to my, Jack be Quick series. A few things that I have improved on are the interlocking, the spawn systems, and even an entire new area that appears after 1 minute. I have tried to make this look neater than the first, and I think I may have accomplished that, but you guys will have to see by the pics. Anyway, the first minute is like the last JBQ(thats what I will call it from no on) whereas you as the Jack's must dodge the evil candlesticks minions of evilness (IDK lol). But after a minute, the zombies are killed by a switch,( I guess you could call it that) that makes a few coils explode, and boom they respawn in another room. This room also has a tele, which they go through, and it brings them to the next part of the map, the shooting and sticking area. Here the zombies can make quick work of the remaining humans( if they have the skillz) by shooting with snipers and sticking with spike nades.(the pics will explain) Now onto gametype:

    • 100% Shields
    • Good Camo
    • Plasma Pistol
    • 0% Damage Done (Remember its a survival game)
    • 150% Speed
    • 125% Gravity
    • Last Man-Only Difference is health which is 150%
    • 1 Life
    • 150% Shields(So switch can kill)
    • 50% Speed
    • 200% Gravity
    • Poor Camo (IDK)
    • Can pickup weapons - 2 Lives(Too respawn again)

    The Human Spawn (As before)

    The Zombie Spawn (As before)

    Overview, I flipped the bridges for a cleaner feel.

    New Human Teles, after ten seconds grav spawns(Same on other side)

    Same Tool of Destruction

    However, everything changes at 60 Seconds, All This Spawns

    Switch Before at 60 Seconds

    Switch in Action (Boxes Removed) Same on other Side

    Zombie Second Respawn (Bridge in Middle Removed) It kills the zomb everytime.

    The Teles send them here, where they drop down(Again,same on other side)

    Then they pick up this

    And Those

    And then Kill These Things

    Through Here

    Ok so remember this is a survival game, not a camp and kill zombie game, with only one honor rule, zombs can't get out of the turrent

    Download Jack Be QuickV2
    Download Jack Be NimbleV2
  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    lol thx for dumbing it down for us... this seems fun tho i have seen crater raider n they are highly related u took it to new terms tho which is nice... i must ask is this fun it seems like it could be... nice job interlocking and such this looks really fun i would DL but im out of them... sorry... nice map tho... 4/5
  3. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this looks great and fun. i never herd of the first version but this seems very origional great job.
  4. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You are right Boyle, it is very fun, if everyone knows what to do, however everything is laid out in front of them, so yeah, very fun map, if I do say so myself. (Lol)
  5. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i think this is pretty cool. 4.5555555555555555555555555555555555/5.00000000000000000000000000000000
  6. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm very confused, but it looks pretty awesome! I like the layout and the interlocking and all that is excellent.

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