Sandbox Ivory Creek

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by time twister500, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
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    Hello this is the first tim ive made a competative map normally i make casual maps but i thought id give it ago. I did get stopped by the items limit. Can be used for slayer, CTF and Bomb. Well my map is basically a symetrical map with a base either side as shown below [​IMG]
    inside the base it looks like
    ramp leading to this room
    yes it looks a bit bumpy i know but trust me you dont notice when moving on it
    also in the base is a door leading to the chopper tunnel
    looking into the chopper tunnel
    two teleporter behind each base good for getting arround or sneaking up or just for genral use.
    this is one of the main parts of the map which is the sniper tower you are just able to see the sniper at the back of the tower also at the base of the tower is sheild doors so the choppers and warthogs cnt get in.
    This is opposite the tower is a pilbox and i used a warthog as i didnt want people taking the turret away.
    behind the pilbox is 2 granades and the can be thrown through to destroy the warthog and any one using it if you want to be sneaky.

    Weapon spawns
    Battle rifles 2 spare clips and 30 secs
    Carbines 2 spare clips and 30 secs
    rockets 1 spare clip and 60 secs
    all granades 30 secs
    shotgun 0 spare clips 60 sec
    plasma rifle 30 sec
    pistols 30 secs
    mauler 30 secs 1 spare clip
    spikers 30 secs 2 spare clips
    needler 2 spare clips 30 secs
    SMGs 30 secs and 2 spare clips
    Overshield 150 secs
    Choppers 30 secs
    warthogs 30 secs
    asault rifles 30 secs 2 spare clips
    Brute shots 2 spare clips 30 secs
    and bubble shields 60 secs​

    Well theres the map Download Ivory Creek from here Halo 3 File Details
    #1 time twister500, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  2. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i don't see how you ran into the object limit... you must have been using the blank canvas. if you did, make sure your next map uses a stacked canvas, it really helps.

    anyways, the map looks pretty solid. the merging looks pretty clean. it looks sorta original [but it really resembles beaver creek]. i don't think the chopper tunnel would work out too well, though. but also, it looks like you are a good mapmaker, so at least line up your plasmas and use proper grammar in your posts.
  3. dangerbyrnes

    dangerbyrnes Ancient
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    this is a pretty cool map

    the two middle structures are amazing
    i love the warthog turret
    and i might use the sniper tower in one of my maps because it's really cool

    but there are a couple problems i see with your map
    1. the bases i think need more substance maybe add another floor/ a roof to stand on
    2. also the chopper tunnel seems kinda long and unnecessary maybe make it shorter
    3. i don't think there's enough places to spawn(the base, behind base that's it how about adding more to the side structures possibly adding a bridge from warthog to building roof/ 2nd floor(would add more paths to take and a safe spawn)

    right now i give it a 4/5 (if you like #'s) or a great but can be amazing (if you don't like #'s)
  4. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
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    Yes i will use a stacked canvas next time that was a little mistake i made and i got the teleporter idea from beaver creek.
  5. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks you can use the sniper tower in a different map if you wish.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i really like that sniper tower
  7. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks its my favorite part of the map

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