First of all, my patience and trust was already waring thin with these companies, but they've finally managed to push things over the top. For the past hour or so I've been digging up some early videos of Smash Hits to look at some of the note charts. I was never planning on buying SH, only renting, but I still had high hopes for playing some great songs. Some argue that we're playing the same songs all over again, but with new game mechanics, instruments, master tracks, and new charters it creates a different experience. However, to my amazement, it seems Activision or Red Octane or Neversoft or whoever does the damn charting has managed to turn songs that were fun in 2006 and still fun today, into flaming piles of crap. Demonstration: YouTube - GH: Smash Hits Free Bird 100% FC Expert Guitar Hero This is the new note chart for FreeBird, arguably one of the greatest rock songs ever to be composed. Many of you may not see the annoyance here, but to Expert players it is obvious: Purple Notes. A good 80% of the Expert fan base absolutely despises Purple Notes, yet they are in place of regular notes for the entire build up to the solo. This makes it awkward to play and annoying to miss notes that you know you hit. I know they were going for realism, but I think the enjoyment of the player should be a little bit more important than the realism of playing a little plastic guitar. YouTube - Guitar Hero Smash Hits - Raining Blood 100% Expert FC This video is where it really takes place. No video has ever made me feel so disgusted. Where shall I begin? Well, first off, they took the absolute worst song in any music video game and remade it. Saw that coming, not a terribly big deal. Secondly, not only did they remake one of the hardest and most awkwardly annoying songs, they actually managed to make it harder. Now, this last gripe is where I really am just pissed beyond hell. They've wasted the first and only five not chord in GH/RB history on the worst possible song. I would be less pissed if they had used it in Barracuda for ****s sake. They've wasted it, and it will never have the same complete feeling as it should have had. And, to top it all off with a big "**** you!", they made the last five note chord into the most useless star power phrase in the history of the games. There are other videos of songs that I'm disappointed in, but I could go on for days with those. I really just needed to get this off my chest. Most of you probably don't know what the big deal is or even care, but avid music gaming fans share the same feelings as I do, I'm sure.
I feel sickened by those videos,especially raining blood,i agree with you on all of thbose points. what have they done to free bird,that is esily one of the greatest songs in the world,and they messed it up from guitarhero2. I think Im going to plsy guitar hero 3 and metallica instead of this.
I agree. But hope should not be lost. The developers will realize there mistakes soon. Raining Blood looks impossible...