Halo5 Forge controls almost need a new way of thinking to build maps and one way I believe works really well is to focus on the triggers. So if your buttons are mapped to the defaults, picture this: Tom French (UGC Lead at 343) is totally right when he said think of the controller as a keyboard and keep your fingers on the "home" keys; Thumbs on the thumb sticks and index fingers on the triggers. The thumb sticks do the manipulation and the triggers map different functions of manipulation depending on which trigger is held. That's three levels of function; one for each trigger and one for when no triggers are held. 1) Thumb sticks default to moving the camera around the environment. Don't hold any triggers to set the camera where you need it to do your work. 2) After spawning an object, hold the left trigger to transfer the thumbsticks manipulation to the piece. While holding the left trigger a thumbstick will move the selected object around the environment instead of the camera. Use the left trigger to position your object. 3) Once close to position, hold the right trigger to manipulate the orientation (rotation) of the object. Go back and forth with left and right triggers until your piece is in the perfect spot. Not to bad right? Think of this as the core manipulation which is given more depth with the D-pad, clicking the thumbsticks, etc. Does this help you rewire your brain? Let me know, maybe it's just me. I'm loving the new control scheme after thinking of it this way. Extra tip: Need to change something already placed? Don't move your fingers very far, right and left bumpers select and deselect objects. Pro tip: Working on placing a piece but the camera isn't in the right spot? Click the right thumbstick and your camera will center on the selected object which will let you spin around the piece without using A or B to lower or raise the camera.