What is your favorite game and why? snake cuz who doesnt like the snake game Now what is yours? *points finger at your*
yeah of course and i do like bejeweled 2 also. I think that it isnt as hard as snake because it gives you more time for reations. But still a classic
Tap-Tap-Revenge gets a 6/5 for me...definetely Jelly Car is also very popular, and fun as hell Try iCopter...its soooper fun too
Noooo, not Tap Tap! Tap Tap Dance!!! The original tap tap was just a bit boring after playing for a while.
@fauxhawk there is a difference. i know of that thread and it is to widely based on the itouch/iphone. I just want to know your opinions on the games hence it being in the Game Discussion. That thread went from apps to jailbreaking and warrenty crap which is boring and in there they dont give much reasoning it just "Tap Tap is so awsome itz teh bestest evar" which isnt as appealing @chombie not really itouch is just the more commonly used term
actually no it isnt they are the same thing just one is a nickname (itouch) and the other is the official name (ipod touch)
Trace is one of the best free apps but paid app would prolly have to be tie between Guitar Rock tour, Tap Tap Dance, Enigmo, or iShoot
How many songs does Guitar Rock Tour have and can you download any more like Tap Tap Revenge? Agreed, Trace is good but the last levels of each world are tough! Is iShoot really similar to this game?