Meh first map preview. I have a feeling i'll be working on this for a while now... It is not complete. I need a name, too Note it is currently in my files as ***Fort. Not -blam-fort, not assfort, just ***Fort. : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X I want to embed... but I am too damn lazy nao. mehbeh 2maro OVERVIEW : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X In this view we see the lighthouse, sniper spawn, Monks house, and cave. SIDEVIEW : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X REARVIEW : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X The back. Probably going to be red spawn. RIGHTSIDE STAIRCASE : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X Quick shortcut from main level to upper. REAR CAVE : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X Entrance to cave from back. LIGHTHOUSE : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X Lighthouse detached from castle to keep ships at bay. CAVE HALL1 : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X Cave, only available from hall two- deadended cave with rocket and TNT det for aesthetic. CAVE HALL2 : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X Cave connecting front and back STABLES : Halo Reach : File Details Slasher X Easily said. I made a poopy. =) Comment, and leave a good name preaze! I will embed 2moro. I leave with a pic of the castle i modeled after- EDIT: Some pics are embed now. As a work in progress, this has changed alot.
Stop it Can you stop making good maps!!! You make my maps look like poop... But no good job man i love it when people remake stuff like this... Keep on forging man your good at it! ~CottonSchwab~
Looks good, pretty much what I say earlier. Only major issue now is the -twitch- excruciatingly open back area of the castle. I like the castle, this looks fun for asymmetric games like one flag. Invasion... too small. I'm sorry but in my experience invasion just doesn't work if the map doesn't support at least 12 players well. For other games though, looks fun!
The back area is pratically a part of the main building now... it has been devoured by the inside world. It'll probably end up as a -second twitch- one sided objective map. I really hope this map will be worth it. Thanks for commenting!