Introduction It is I... SeNTiNeL I

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I SeNTiNeL I, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not really my first post or anything but hey i thought i should do one of these at some point and them im kind of more official. Been at Forgehub about just over a month though i had a rather large 3 week non-posting session whilst i was on Holiday and moving to a new house and all kinds of crazy stuff.

    If you recognise the name maybe you may have seen my Map Favela.(Link in Sig) or have seen me randomly floating around in the competitive map sections handing out forgethroughs for a bunch of maps i thought looked interesting.

    Im 19 years old and im a Student living in Norwich, England. Im am studying History and as far as what i want to do with my life after that... i have a couple ideas but nothing concrete quite yet. Maybe journalism because i enjoy writing reviews, giving opinions and the like.

    For any of you who follow British Politics im a supporter of the Conservative party and therefore Right Wing. Don't be too afraid though i can be pretty liberal as right wingers go.

    Ill just wrap it up by saying hi again and see you guys on the forum. If i happen to forgethrough your map i hope your enjoy the review. I tend to waffle on a bit and therefore my posts become exceptionally long. Kinda like this one i guess. I really should stop typing or i will be here for days. Why the hell am i typing to you what i am thinking in my head....

    Well hi anyway!
    Im I SeNTiNeL I
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey lolz I have not even introduced myself yet...

    Welcome to Forgehub and never get the Banhammer swung at you.
  3. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your right, your posts are normally long but incredibly helpful. I've seen you here and there and I already know that you're a great member. I hope your intro gets noticed as I'm sure that you will and hopefully your maps in the future. Your one of the best reviewers I seen!

    You seem to have a good personality too :D Welcome...well, sort of.

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