I bought the legendary map packs the day they came out which means my bingie pro is due to run out very soon.I am not going to renew it because i don't feel its worth £6/7 it should be free and it will probably be free with the next map pack.I am going to be using my friends fileshare as he dosn,t forge so has loads of space{there may be some problems with my map links please be patient}. The reason I am making this thread is so that anyone who is in the same boat as me can post here and ask someone to use thier fileshare or if you have space to offer it to someone I would also like your opinions on wether bungie pro should be free as standard Its not a case of price its the principal
mine is also scheduled to run out, but i won this random thing on bungie, (from within my xbox) and they awarded me 15 more days....did everyone get that or is it just me?
ya that makes me mad to. i'm about to run out, and i don't know what will happen to all my stuff on there. i need a lot of space to post maps, and pics. more than 6. this is just a dumb way for bungie to make more money.
actually, on the contrary its a really smart way, but enough of me supporting bungie cuz im pissed about having to renew it also...
Mines Scheduled to run out tomorrow. So I'll probably renew it today. I need the extra space for maps pics videos etc. that I want to put out there.
It says that my Bungie Pro runs out 8/17 thats tomorrow right. SAD FACE :-( Will it be free in the next map pack? I think that got alot more people to buy Legendary than Heroic. I bought both because its my mom's money... I think they were both worth it. Foundry was great, Standoff is one of my favorates and Rat's nest is my 2nd all time fav (cause you can camp on behind boxes and crush warthogs off the cliff). As for Legendary, Ghost Town has great gameplay, Blackout is my 3rd fav plus its forgable and Avalanche is my all time fav (amazing MM fun and wonderful forging postential. I am making a map on it right now). From what I have heard Mythic should be evan better. I believe the forgem map will be called Assembly (not sure) and Spacecamp sounds awsome with switches activating shield platforms and different parts of the map. Purple Riegn I don't knowthat mauch. With Puple I would assume it had something to do with the covenant and it is supposed to be a symmetrical arena with the middle higher than the rest of the map. Bungie allready stated its not a remake of Midship though :-( Its something new.
Yeah me too, I just figured that this is happening to everyone lol. But I think it is worth the investment of like 8 dollars.
Mine isn't mine end's july of next year. I actually bought one year, cause there weren't any good arcade games and I had a bunch of MS points.
mine headin out tommorow and i dont know if i want it back its either that and 2 more weeks w/o bad company or bad company
I payed for mine like a half a year ago, and then it got the free months for playing on the map pack. So I guess I still have a lot left.
Mine is going to run out soon, I'm not sure when because I'm not at home... It sucks, only 6 slots, and after the vacation at here, my XBL runs out too, and I can't have Live right in the new beginning of school... SUCKZ0RZ!
Yes, my Bungie Pro is going to run out in a few days. I'm not reeally mad, because I knew it was going to happen. I have not been using my file share too much lately, but when I do, I will renew my Bungie Pro.