How did you get that armor pic exactly the way you want it? Is there a site for it? Please send it to me via PM tnx.
Wow. Surprisingly enough, I'm completely unique :S I would've thought this combo was pretty common. Wow! My emblem is unique too
1 other play looks like me My emblem is unique however
It says mine is unique, but I'm not so sure. Out of the thousands of people that play halo, there's bound to be someone just like me. And, it might be something like, it only computes the gamertags that have already been searched there, or something, because I remember it making me a page when I found out about that website like, beggining of this year. I don't know. Here's one. Ya welcome. Yeah, nice try, I know how to do that too. And it's not with the thing I posted some lines before this.
Nobody has my symbol. I have heard this in many matchmaking games and in TGIF's - Tracked Player List And 3 other people look like me. Security with katana. All brown
I'm beggining to question some of these. Does anyone know if they are doing Armor Perms AND colors or is it just Armor Perms?
yaaaaaaay, no one has the same armor or emblem as me. And all this time, I thought there were at least a couple people with Desert Camo armor also...... (EOD Helmet, Hayabusa Chest, Security Shoulders, Primary Color: Tan, Secondary Color: Brown, Armor Detail: Brown) Sorry, I'm too damn lazy to go get a picture =/
umm i dont know realy what you ment by on this post i need meh answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... ... ... waiting... ... ... ... .... .....OH COME on
Of course. I thought someone might do this. Why would you edit your picture and then say it's your armor? It's not like you're a visionary and figured out how to do this. There are plenty of videos of how to change your picture. I'm pretty sure the person's YouTube account is MrWaterfalls. I have no idea how to check the armor thing, but in case anyone can for me, my gamertag is Lcarnacieg.My armor is: Security Helmet Scout Shoulders Katana Primary Color: Cobalt Secondary Color: Yellow Armor Detail: Red My emblem is: Colors: Red(Yes, all of them.) Emblem: Bullseye Background: Blank EDIT: I figured out how to do it, and my armor and emblem are both unique. *sarcastic hooray* Don't I feel special? (Gotta love that sarcasm.)
For anyone wondering, They are taking into account, your armor, gender, emblem, and colors. If you have all of the following the same, then it says you have the same as someone else
My armor is pretty generic, I see people with the same general armor perms a lot. My colors aren't original either. It says that 2 other people have my armor and 6 others have my emblem.
You can just got to, type in your gamer tag and hover your cursor over the picture of you. 13 players like me =)