playing and playing and never winning at halo 3,if so you suck...SORRY OK.but on the other hand not long till Halo Wars and Rainbow Six Vegas...the new fuel of war is going to have a great game play online...sorry that I do not have any more games listed,but my game mags and stuff have not come yet. I will hopefully have them next month.PEACE :squirrel_evil:
So thats what titmar looks like! I always wondered. you are the fat lazy guy who sits at the computer in a leather dress holding a fake mace. LOLOLLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL MY ROFLCOPTER GOES SOISOISOISOISOISOISOISOISOI
Oh, now you're just being hypocrytical... Oh, you pre-ordered RB6V-2 also? Sweet, I got the limited edition one. Play me when you get yur copy then?
Gah, I wanted to pre-order the limited edition rsv2, but i didn't know about it until after i pre-ordered it online! Darn it! lol oh well it probably doesn't have anything too special.