I have came up with, what i think, a pretty good MLG carbine tower. I just wanted to see what you guys think of it..? Thanks, Pixie~ if you see anything that can be changed please reply!
i could have two either way but thats not how it was really designed. it was more designed as a NOT so powerful tower kinda like lockdowns carbine tower. just the small tower then a bigger one (pink) on the other side with some sick middle structure bridge. (kinda like amp but better! ;] )
It looks fine, but I don't think you can really tell if it play well if I can't see how it would work with the rest of the map. Focused on the building itself, one pf my concerns is that you are interlocking a lot of objects there. I probable wont mess with connection or be to bumpy, but you could probably make a similar building using less objects. The jump from the bottom of the tower to the top using the door also looks a little bit cramped. It might hinder flow a bit.
Well if you jump into it straight on you shouldn't miss it, but if you come at it from the sides, it seems like you would hit your head on the wall.
This structure looks pretty good. I was also just wondering if there was a grav lift at that hole, of is it just a drop from the top to the bottom. I mights just steal this! lol, joking.
Looks like basically Amplified's yellow side, plus a jump up in back and minus the platform above it. Not necessarily a bad thing to look like such a successful map, but you'll want to really work at offering something different elsewhere in the map.
im not probley going to make the map. im more in designing maps. i will probly just give it away like usual. =) but i like this design alot and i dont know why. i just see a nice oringal map out of it. idk. maybe im just hi. =)
Looks really clean and good to me, I've never known how to geomerge the bottom of a double wall sideways into a wall of a map though... I'm to lazy to read all of forging 101. haha.