I was surfing the net, and found an offer for a Pinnacle Studio movieBox Ultimate for like $60 USD. Is that a good deal for the item, and is the capture device included of good quality? Sorry, I have been wanting a good capture card for a while, but I don't know very much about them. =D
Depends what version, but, if you mean version 12 then yes. But I don't think that that specific Capture Card can record in HD.
Most capture cards record in better-than-average quality. You spend more for the higher quality when you really don't need to. My capture card was $30, and it seems better than my TV's quality.
I believe it is version 11, but being only one down from 12 I would assume that it is still a good deal. Correct?
Yes go for it, it's seems like a legit deal to me. Pinnacle Capture Cards seem to be the best thing out right now when wanting to capture quality videos. They work great, their efficient, and depending on the way you render the video you can even make a High Definition video without even having a High Definition television. If you don't know this Capture Cards legitimately record anything you want that is on your television. Even regular t.v. shows or movies on your t.v. can be captured. The funny thing is that if you eventually buy it you might not figure how to set it up and you'll run across a video of me showing you how.
capture cards are pretty uselsess. i dont think you even need one. if you want to record from halo 3 you can always use auxiliary wires going to your vid camera...
Seeing as that post was directed towards The Spartan III, I'm hoping you read my post Inferior Pigeon. Because yes indeed you should definitely go for it.
Oh yeah, I'm going to go for it, but only if it stays in my budget. eBay can end up getting expensive. =P