ORIGINALLY POSTED IN OFF TOPIC, SOMEONE TOLD ME TO POST IT HERE SO IF THIS ISN'T THE RIGHT SPOT THEN SORRY, BUT NOT MY FAULT, AS YOU CAN TELL BY MY REP AND/OR POST COUNT I'M NEW HERE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. SORRY IF I MISPELLED "PATRONAGE." So this is the story of a young forger (me) and a question about a map I'm creating. If you think your input is valuable then read on. ANYWAYS, The question is about cops and robbers. If after reading that you know you have no idea what you're talking about, don't leave a comment unless you have something hilarious to say. Hilarious comments will always be welcome. So I'm forging a cops and robbers map that's a variant off the original game mode, i don't wanna get into details because its gonna be a suprise. but the point is that in this game mode, the inmates have to be closely monitored by the cops. There will be moments of less monitoring, but still the cops will have to keep a close eye on the robbers. So do you think it would be a good idea to have doors on the cells instead of the traditional cells (open single boxes with shield doors). The cells I currently have are fence boxes that are closed off with dumpsters, which cops can then open with grav lifts. It may not be necessary, especially since the cells are in a closed off room with a locked door (that can be unlocked, obviously). I just want to know that in your personal, professional, or otherwise opinion this would play out well based on the information I've already given you. If you need more info just ask and I'll be there 'cause after all you're the one helping me out. THANKS!! --Sampson P.S. If you think for any reason I'm a n00b or an idiot, you're probably right. But I don't need to hear that. I need to hear why. So if you could post that instead of "Sampson is a *****" it'd be helpful instead of annoying.