Without a capture card, you have two options: 1. Get a friend who has a capture card to help you out. 2. Take a digital camcorder and record your TV while you do what needs to be done. Long story short, you should get a video capture card. They're not that expensive...
Gamevee.com is back now, with it's "Grab" feature, though, I think it's a bit different now. Check em out.
Even with Gamevee, I'd still get a capture card. That way you have total control. Gamevee is fine but I have three issues. One, it's a pain to have to use various addons and websites to get the video off to use in a montage. Two, there is an annoying screech at the beginning. Three, the timeline of the clip is shown. Those are my gripes. It's a great alternative to a capture card but I prefer my capture card.
I got the cheaper of the two Dazzles they have at Best Buy for about $50. The more expensive one has more software than the cheaper.
Honestly, a cheap capture card is the way to go. It really doesn't take that much of a chunk out of your finances and it comes in very handy at times.
There are cords you can buy to hook your camera up to your tv....so in other words if you have a camera don't bother buying a capture card...
I can make you a video if you want... I have Pinnicle Studio's (same as Digital ph33r) and a capture card that came with it which isnt as good as digital ph33r's but if you put it on yourtube of something like that there is still no grainyness to it, It's pretty good quality Pm me Zachary9990