I'm fairly new to Forge hub and have been trying to discover how to interlock and merge. i look it up and all i can find is Interlock and merging....advanced. is there any more simpler way to describe these?
Advanced usually describes multiple ways of completing the techinique, not a player's experience with it. Here's the advanced merging techniques thread. =http://www.forgehub.com/forum/forging-101/36128-advanced-interlocking-merging.html] And here's one for advanced interlocking plus merging. I understand the complex look of the guide, but try to follow it as best to your ability. Follow the steps correctly, and don't leave anything outl. If you're still having trouble, I've wrote a simple guide to create clean interlocks that is located here. Here is the original interlocking thread also. If you're still havign trouble feel free to Private Message me, or any other member pertaining to your concern. Or even search around Halo Forge Discussion for some quick tutorials. Hope this helped.
Halo 3 Helpers on Youtube were great help to me when I first started out and made things pretty easy and basic to understand. Here's their Youtube channel Here is their video on Sinking objects into the wall Here is their video on Sinking objects into the floor Here is their video on how to merge objects together (more commonly known as 'interlocking') Also feel free to add me my gamertag is Ethrock (check out my Bungie.net Here I'd be willing to give you a hand with that. Just mention who you are and what you need in your friend request. Good luck and happy forging!
What's your point? I never even thought of it until I found it on the Halo 3 Helpers channel. I'd never seen an interlocked map. You just assume that everyone comes to the conclusion that they can interlock, and conclude that to do this they need to set an object not to spawn at start, then place the next object inside it, then force spawn the original object, then set the spawn at start to yes. Surely everyone would come to this conclusion. Indeed. I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a prick, but that's a pretty arrogant outlook on the situation.