Is there a way to make the only way a person can get points is if they stick someone? Please help me ASAP
can't you just make the points you get for a kill to 0 and everything else to 0, but the points value when sticking someone -> +1 ?? I think you can, just look in the gametype options
yea i got it, i guess i can just give em crappy gun. Uhm does anyone wana help me with this map? I need help with the aesthetic of the map.
Like Blackeye was saying (or trying to), its in the gametype options under scoring or something like that. As for the weapon, just give them a Plasma pistol. They dont have high damge.
you can turn weapon damage to 0% aswell so it makes it impossible to kill with gun, although idk if grenades count in the weapon category. also turn melee to 0% so you cant beat down