Is there a way to spawn items after the third phase in Invasion?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ZipZapZop, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Is it? Because I am making a map which requires a bit of destruction, and I can't seem to get an item to spawn after the third phase* ends.

    Help appreciated.
    #1 ZipZapZop, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  2. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    That is akin to asking, "Is there a way to spawn an item after the game is over?"

    After the third phase of the first round is over, you start the game over in the second round. After the third phase of the second round is over, the game is over. There is no third round.
  3. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    What I am trying to ask is : Is there a way to spawn items into the game after the third phase, not round.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Re-read what he said, I think he nailed it pretty well. The end of the third phase is also the end of the round (or game). No, there's no way to spawn something after the third phase - there really is no "after" the third phase.

    The only thing you can do is set something to spawn in the third phase (inv weapon or vehicle) and set a high respawn timer on it, so it doesn't appear until a certain amount of time into the phase. But I'm guessing you have no control over when your phase ends and you want the object to spawn right at the end of the phase, so that probably isn't going to help you any. I have noticed that when the third phase ends, usually objects spawn in that de-spawned before, and maybe also objects that never spawned in the first place - almost like the game is saying "OK, we're done playing, here's all the crap I've been hiding from you." You might experiment with that. I know I've seen it in testing my own invasion map, but I don't recall how consistent it was and I never tried to figure out exactly which objects were affected. One that I know did this was a block set as an invasion gate that despawned after phase 1 - it would always reappear when the game ended.
  5. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    If what you are asking is can you control what is spawned at the end of the third phase as part of the indication that the round is over, then no you cannot. Objects can appear to disappear, but the whole process of ending the round is defined within the engine only and provides no hooks or attributes you can set to control.
  6. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    People have told me that you actually can get items to spawn in a "Phase 4", by setting Spawn Sequence to 4 on INV_WEAPON or INV_VEHICLE objects.

    Now, I haven't tried it, but these people have said that they verified it. It could vary across different Invasion game variants depending on any Bungie-made post-release scripting changes.

    So... I'd recommend trying INV_WEAPON or INV_VEHICLE with Spawn Sequence 4. If that doesn't work for you, though, then there is no way to spawn things at the end of Phase 3 (that I know of, anyway).
  7. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    Hey I was in your LIVE party earlier today.

    And I tried that, it spawns it at the start of the game. Which is why I came here to ask...
  8. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    With Caps, right?

    As for the Spawn Sequence 4 trick... Did you try it with INV_WEAPON, or with INV_VEHICLE? Because I just remembered where I learned it, and the source specifically mentions WEAPON, not VEHICLE:

  9. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    ^I think he is on to something.

    Try setting an object to Inv_Gates with spawn sequence to 0. It wouldn't spawn in the first place. Seeming as despawned objects appear, maybe objects that never appeared will appear.
  10. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Well, okay... I learned something...
  11. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    Yeah, me and Caps are making a bridge invasion map.

    And for the topic at hand, I don't remember which I tried it with. Once I can get back on the Ol' 360, I'm going to try it with weapon ASAP. Then I'll report back.
    #11 ZipZapZop, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  12. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    Also think about whether you actually want it to blow up as it would seem dumb if the defenders won the final phase
  13. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright, I tried and got some inconsistent results.

    Sometimes it spawns it at the start of the game; other times not at all.

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