I'm planning on getting the noble map pack. The gameplay looks solid but are they any good for forging? Like could I make a really good Low-G map on anchor 9 for example.
The maps within Noble Map Pack are not predominantly meant for Forging, though there added gameplay values are very high. The maps are a blast. The only map that does forge is Tempest and it isn't greatly different from Forgeworld. Smaller map space. Smaller Pallette. A few varied pieces. Better Lighting. And less visual lag when loaded up.
D : That sucks. And tempest had alot less caves than I anticipated. The map pack did not live up to my expectations. I only downloaded it cause my little bro wanted to play Invasion on breakpoint.
I like the maps but for forging they're not that good. Tempest will prove to make a few interesting maps but there's a serious lack of forgeable space, unless you're willing to build around existing landscape and structures - and I'm guessing most of those maps will not be that good or well thought-out. You can make a small to mid-sized enclosed map. That's about it. I think once people get over the novelty of Tempest, we'll still see predominantly Forge World-based maps around here. But here's to hoping for a new Forge World-equivalent map in the NEXT map pack.