Now I really loved Blood Gulch and Coagulation in previous Halos. Something about Hemorrhage just really make playing on it not enjoyable. To begin, the vehicles dominate the map. I know it's a BTB map, but there's very few safe spots for people on foot and there aren't many weapons on the map to take out the vehicles...except the vehicles. I know if I'm playing BTB that there's going to be vehicles, but the balance is very off in this map. Another problem is that the red team seems to have the advantage. I don't quite know why this is, maybe the spawns for blue are too open, maybe it has something to do with the ridges and caves at the end of the map or how blue's teleported leads to an open mound while red's leads to a nice little niche behind some natural cover, maybe I'm just making it up. The last problem is really an easy fix, Bungie just hasn't gotten to it yet. How many times have you been sniped by someone all the way in the back of red base at the top of that hill? How about that cliff on the right wall of blue side up on montana? These are the most dishearting because they shouldn't have even gone by unchecked. Just move the wall behind red foward and fix the kill zones. I really hope I didn't come off as ranting, I just really wanted to see if anyone agreed. With enough support we may even see a Hemorrhage V2 put into matchmaking.
I agree completely. But, if you want bungie to do something about it youll have to start a thread in the forums first. And get it huge. Otherwise nothing will come of it.
The very definition of Hemorrhage is to bleed profusely. I find it ironic that its own name symbolises how it's just a classic that's bleeding out. And if you couldn't tell, I agree with you. It's just not the same, but I can't place my finger on it.
I take one of the concussion rifles and blast revenants, mongeese and warthogs away. It has its ups and downs including the classic revenant spinning revenant for no apperent reason flying out of the safe zone. I'm sort of in the middle.
I highly doubt that would even work. They're quite tired from all these remakes. I don't think anyone of them would have the stamina to fix or make another map. And to add it to another map pack is ridiculous. I just hate it flat out. Put old spawns on it. Old weapons, old vehicles, etc.
The only problems with Hemorrhage are the Sniper Rifles and that the bases are flipped. That doesn't bother me much though because every Big Team map in matchmaking right now is terrible except for Hemorrhage.
I agree. Hemorrhage plays awful. I enjoyed the previous 2 versions of this map, but not this one. What Halo Reach needs, is FUN multiplayer maps, like Halo2 had. I also think, that they need to make it so its all objective options or slayer options. Because you can have 2 flag options and elite slayer on some lame map, and the tards will ALWAYS pick the slayer option. You rarely get to play objective games anymore in btb. But I don't care anymore, I've kinda already written-off Reach Matchmaking. I almost only play customs with user-made maps now.
whats more frustrating to me about BTB in mm is that people vote for an objective gametype just to farm kills. those people should go back to COD. a great part, one of the greatest parts imo, of halo gameplay is CTF. flag runs in the warthog, strategizing a quick pick up, or working through a hard escape from their base and making it home with the flag are all some of the most fun and satisfying moments in the game imo. i dont think Hemorrhage is broken completely. i do agree about the sniper problems, and the cheap spots that need to be blocked off. ive actually noticed that bungie doesnt seem to put any thought at all into blocking cheap spots. Atom is another good example of this. all those really high parts on the map, that a forgehub type of person just kinda assumes that the map creator wouldve put soft kills up there... nope, its all accessible. Hemorrhage is definitely dominated by vehicles, but i disagree that vehicles are the only way to counter it. every BTB game ive played on it has been loaded with armor-lockers and Plasma pistol shots. sure, you occasionally run into a team of complete idiots, who just let you run rampant on them. i dont think you can call that a fault of the map though. Even when ive been semi-pinned in the spawn by wraiths, hogs, and revs, we've eventually managaed to turn the tide and return the favor. also, i have pulled the whole jerky thing on BOTH bases, not just one. so maybe your complaints are just due to your personal experience? i have found Hemorrhage to be the most fun in BTB consistently. even if im losing the match, i just seem to have so much fun on that map.
Hemorrhage is fun I love it just as much as any other Blood gulch, even though I prefer red side both have advantages. Mainly because of vehicles and the only really bad things about it is playing it 24/7 because everyone wants to play it all time i like it but not enough to play it every game. Only thing really shits me about it is the sniper I can deal with it sniping people and sniping people out of vehicles and out of the tank that all good(btw i dislike the sniper most of the time anyway) BUT WHEN IT BLOWS UP UR TANKS AND WARTHOGS ITS LIKE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!. What the hell are you meant to do D: So many times in CTF and stuff spend ages getting flag fighting for it just escaping with half blown up warthog like OMG !! WE DID IT WHERE FREE!, BANG BANG EXPLODE **** there sniper just spawned and blew up our warthog and now we lose :'( which is my only complaint is snipers can blow up vehicles to easy and on hemorrhage is vehicle map I'lld rather have a tank then a sniper on the map. Other than only thing can think of to many covenant stuff on normal slayer.
really...? it seems to me that getting into the tank almost always screams "hey, everyone all try to kill me at once!!" to the other team. having a sniper pretty much garauntees a few kills, the tank might get raped instantly.
Sniper rifle should be replaced by focus rifle. Focus won't work to vehicles and it won't work for very long range so no sniping across the map.
I really despise the sniper rifles on this map. They dominate FAR too much and its really hard to fight back against them without heading deep into enemy territory.
I agree completely. if bungie can't change the geometry of forge world, they can at least put soft kill barriers around popular snipe areas (I mean for god sakes, what are HeatMaps for?) And they should definitely implement a system for people who like to bother you while you snipe. For example, if you get hit by a teammate too many times you have to option to boot him, or if the teammate hits you too many times he gets killed by the guardians. I can't stand people bugging me for the rifle while i try to snipe the other team.
of all things in halo, i hate that the most. ive had a guy on my team following me, trying to kill betray me for snipe for a solid couple minutes, when he should have been supporting the team. not to mention, by annoying me, he was stopping me from supporting as well. right as he was about to betray me finally, i wasted all the rounds.
whenever i get in a warthog on that map i instantly get owned because of a sniper or a tank and the map just doesn't feel the same as it used to.
I hate Hemo for a number of reasons. 1) It's nowhere near as fun or Blood Gulch-feeling as Halo 2's iteration of BG. Yay for Hematoma but it still lacks that bloody rock look that can't just be pulled off in FW. 2) It's pretty much the only BTB map people choose to play. Meaning, it gets old VERY fast. Being that BTB is the only gametype I fully enjoy, this is a bit of a problem. 3) Snipers. >_>
the sniper is ok, it just has too many shots IMO. 12 shots in the sniper on hemorrhage is just way too much. 8 is a decent number not too OP and not too little.
Here's what I don't get: People begged and bitched for Bungie to bring back Blood Gulch in Reach, and now that Bungie finally brought it back for them, people just complain about it. ?