Before you view, All the pictures are not mine Except the first one. And all were notz edited by anything. All based on Halo To Live or To DIe Someones watching you.... OMG ITS THE WICKED Witch OF THE WEST! Black Death Orb Of L33t (death) "If you See it you wont last a second" The Dark Knight Orb Of LiFe "One look by him and you will Survive" "A CURE FOR CANCER!!" Buster Sword "And who said ff7 cant be true in halo" Im a Dragon ARGHHHH oh wait wrong line ROWR
The spider one is sick.Omg how do these people do this ****.I'm going to attempt to make one now.Wish me luck...
lol I attempted to do one then people kept picking up the weapons and im like OMG STOP! so i kicked them all then i could not do it. Lol Granttud Luck xD
Actually i dont have it i found them on um i forgot but i had them in my computer so i wanted to show them off!
no it isnt its actually real the guy who made said he just loves finding random pictures that look SOOOO TIGHT! lol And he doesnt know photoshop the only thing he knows is coloring
All of those pictures are friggin awesome. How do people get the weapons in the perfect place like that?
Wow they are all great! The witch one must be photoshopped otherwise its epic! The spider is great too! Great job! =]