in my opinion yes it is,people often think that it is an essential technique but i think the only time its essential is if it effects gameplay.
In my opinion, interlocking is often more important than structure concepts. I'd rather play on a map with beautiful interlocking, aesthetics, and smooth walkways/ walls than one with an intricate structure but scarce interlocking (or none at all). If done correctly, interlocking can make any map more appealing. Also, sometimes interlocking can be the only way to achieve certain complex creations (triple alliteration!).
Your map can be the most creative, useful, fun, and innovative map ever, but if it looks like crap on Foundry, you can pretty much expect to see a post somewhere that says, "Needs moar interlocking 1/5".
It depends on the situation really. For competitive maps where every little bump detracts from the playing experience, it isn't overrated; It's a necessity. However, if interlocking the boxes would give absolutely no functional value, and little-no aesthetic value, then it wouldn't matter. The problem is people assume everything must be interlocked, even unnecessary stuff.
Yes, it is overrated. Everyone speaks of it as a crappy map without interlocking. Nowadays you can't get a decent rating because all you'll get is "Map not interlocked, probably took you 2 minutes." Nobody will download either.
The thing is, Interlocking is not necesseesary (probably spelled that wrong) until needed. If you're making two boxes next to eachother as a floor, than by all means, interlock them. but if you're placing a thin side of the all up against a double box, you do not have to interlock those two objects, however it may help a little bit.
I remember there was a phase a couple months ago that whenever you said something about how someone could improve gameplay some newer member would neg rep you or they would be like interlocking u dun need! Frankly though, it isn't that hard to do, and it does improve gameplay a good deal, so you don't get stuck and stuff.
However, to encourage one to turn a blind eye on a map just because they had one image showing a weird angle, you have a member criticize that spot even though there wasn't any fault initially. Forum goers (includes me) tend to follow what other posts have said, and could enter a thread thinking of the map on an equal basis, but leave biased because of the overall negativity that the OP didn't interlock his (her) floors to their likings or that they should of placed their boxes upside down. Another problem is that their is too much reliance on pictures. Unless the OP types in full blown bold, font size 22, in hot pink; you're just going to eye over their text. This leads me to another issue with interlocking: It doesn't have to look good, it just needs to get the job done. An interlocked floor with zero bumps may look extremely crooked because the person who Forged it placed the floor at angles to compensate for the bumps. However, since you don't read their text explaining this, you just look at the picture and go, "Oh, his floor isn't perfectly straight, I should tell him." Even though I will agree with the need of comments, but mentioning things about interlocking is useless information if you don't even know how much the map is affected by it, or by said lack of it. If they were creating an aesthetics map, they would have posted it in the aesthetics map forum, and they wouldn't have put much thought into gameplay. Interlocking is overrated by what the community here expects to see, you can't deny that. It's gotten to the point that if you wish to post here, you better damn well interlock every single object including your weapons into a box.
I agree Yes interlocking and glitched money maps have become an issue on FORGEHUB because people think that just whit interlocking stuff the gameplay should automatically improve whit every object you interlock and that is not how it works--for example sometimes you interlock an object to something and the result can look amazing so you decide to leave those interlocked objects like they are because they just LOOK good --so it is expected that everything else your gonna do in the maps has to follow those objects because they are now untochable and thats the problem whit interlocking too much. And if you really think about it excessively interlocked conceptless maps should be posted as aesthetics maps after all they only pursue LOOKS and attention not decent and balanced gameplay.