Is Halo still fun for you?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BASED GOD, Apr 6, 2009.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Yesterday, I played Halo for the first time in months...frankly, it felt stale and repetitive. I played half a game of the Weekend playlist and a full MLG game. The first game was 10 player Avalanche, they stole our scorpion and camped our base...FUN; the second game was just a sea of grenades and U83r 1337 MULG PR0Z.

    So I ask you Forgehub, are you still having fun with halo?
  2. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Can't say, seeing as I haven't been on xbl to play the damn game in...weeks...

    Senior Member

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    Umm I sometimes enjoy castom games but they r getting same and crapy over and over again i like mlg but i dont play that too much couse i know i will get bored of that aswell, I also forge alot but realy come up with anything

    I hope the sandbox will will religth the spark of halo
  4. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    For me it's fun for about an hour or two, then I tend to fall into a slump where I'm just cruising along lazily not really paying attention and not playing well... but that first hour is always fun.
  5. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    About that...I was playing team swat and after awhile, it got really boring and I somehow convinced my whole team to tk each other. Without a mic. And not even shooting them. Epic.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    of course it is for me. Whenever I get on, I do something different everytime than the time before because there is so much crap to do on the game.
  7. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I tend to get bored yes, but I find things to do such as Forge, Matchmaking, and Custom Games. I actually rarely play Matchmaking, mostly because people will not play the game correctly and I just get mad. So I tend to try to talk to my friends, and play Team Snipers, because it is a lot of fun, and different with everyone with snipers.
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I'd like to see that

    gramar/spelling fix

    totally agree, i'm tryin to make a funtage right now and with that idea in mind I usually tend to try and spice things up... like betray, drive around mindlessly, get a no-scope... it's pretty fun when you're just tryin' to have fun.. cuz otherwise it gets too competetive (i'm all for competetiveness, but it's too competetive)..

    /this post has been approved by sir redundant redundant
    #8 Monolith, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  9. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Kind of, yes. Matchmaking can be really irritating, so I don't play it a whole lot. But hopefully the release of the MMP on Thursday will liven things up a little.
  10. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Actually...all I did was that teabagging motion in front of one of them, and then he punched me, and another team-mate shot him, and I shot that guy, and then we all killed each other after that. (There were only 3 of us, and we were losing 49 to 41)
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i only get to play on my xbox on fridays, and now i lost it until my birthday on the 28th.

    i came up with a map idea last night, but once its done i dont think ill be playing halo any time soon. because i am so limited in my time, i only play the best games i can. so i usually just play cod 5 or bioshock. halo 3 is ok. i like MLG, but it is too easy for me.

    i actually prefer halo 2 vista for several reasons:
    1. no shitty assault rifle
    2. carbine is actually useful
    3. no gravhammer bullshit
    4. no hornet noobs
    5. much better balanced maps
    6. it takes skill to make a map
    7. awesome custom maps
    8. BR for most levels
    9. play as arbiter
    10. is sexy as hell on my awesome computer
  12. Pluvialis Aquila

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    Yeah, I still have fun with Halo. Once I enjoy a multiplayer game, I don't ever really get sick of it, unless it's in a series and the next game is released. When I don't feel like playing in matchmaking, I go forge. Then before I know it, I actually have a pretty cool map staring back at me from the TV.

    Matchmaking can get annoying, depending on the playlist. I've just been playing social games lately. And sure, I can get sick of it after playing for a long time, but I'll probably be willing to play again within the next day or two.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The only time I don't like Halo 3 is when it gets me mad. Or when I play it for too long.
  14. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Somehow, I still do. Even though I play a TON, I somehow manage to still enjoy it for the most part. It's probably because I like the competition. I also have a ton of friends who are on all of the time, so we joke around and have a lot of fun destroying people.

    It's definitely not as fun as the first few weeks, but it's held up pretty well. I'm too embarrassed to admit how many games I've played though. Too many :(

    I guess I just enjoy the feeling you get when you win BR battles, or get a sick sniper chain. Halo is definitely the deepest game out there, so there's a ton of stuff you can do. I also like being able to switch playlists. If I get bored of TS, I can go to Snipers, and then MLG, etc. Something about Halo is addictive. So although I will never have the thrill of first playing Halo again, I think I will still continue to play for a while to come.
  15. Thuckey

    Thuckey Ancient
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    I still find it pretty enjoyable. Just don't play the same playlist constantly.. Or and if you get bored right off the bat it's just cause you're at that mindset and you'll have to "get in" to it.
  16. awsome forge friend

    Senior Member

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    for me its still fun mostly because i play with all of my friends not by my self like right now im playing multi team for fun with my freind damion its still fun for me and the mythic maps are coming out wensday or thursday i forgot the date but they are coming out which is good.
  17. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I still like halo, it's still fun and a great way to spend time with your freinds. However, Team Mythic is kind of ruining it. :/
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I thought about it a little while ago, and I don't reckon it's possible for me to get bored of Halo now, it's just gone too far. I started playing Halo CE and got in to playing 1v1s with my friend as a regular thing we'd always do when hanging out. Once I got in to my groove it never really got boring at all, just became something I liked doing, like a sport such as football or basketball would if I wasn't so lazy. When H3 came along and I discovered MM (I missed out on H2), I got more in to it and started playing more seriously, getting better etc. It's only gotten more fun from there, and now it's just something I don't think I'll ever give up or move away from until Bungie stop making the games and the last one becomes seriously dated, but even then I don't know...
  19. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    the only time i really get bored of halo is when I a crappy Map+Game Type combo come up. Such as Slayer on Construct. Worst game ever. It just turns into 3 people camping the 3 lifts. But other than that I usually love Halo, unless I go on like a 10 game lose streak or something.
  20. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Yeah, it's still fun. I'm having a blast in the Team Mythic playlist right now, meeting cool people with Recon every other game. However, when I start getting bored, I just get on a Mongoose. Splattering people on Orbital is oh so satisfying.

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